Chapter 1

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"A-Xian. Wake up. It's already afternoon," whispered Yan Li, kneeling next to Wei Ying's bed.

He turned away from her and pulled the blanket over his head with a groan.

"A-Xian," she chastised with a stern voice. "You need to wake up. There's somebody here to see you."

That made him pull the blanket down and squint at his sister with confusion.

"Somebody is here to see me?" he asked, pointing a finger to himself, sounding completely bewildered. There wasn't a single person out there who was willing to travel all the way to Yunmeng Jiang just to meet him. Except one.

A part of him felt excited thinking that maybe Lan Zhan had come to Yunmeng Jiang to meet him. But the logical part of him immediately shot the possibility down knowing that his stone cold friend was too busy to pay his pitiful ass a visit.

He sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes. He stretched his arms above his head with a groan and turned to his sister.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"A man from Yi City. Said that he wants your help."

"Oh. Let's go then," he said getting out of bed.

"Are you sure you want to go out like that?" asked Yan Li, looking anywhere but at her brother.

Wei Ying looked down at his body to realize that he was only wearing his innermost robe and shrieked causing Yan Li to laugh. He immediately put on his usual red and black robe and fastened his leather belt.

"You may also want to wash your face," said Yan Li with a smile, as she walked toward the door. "You stink of alcohol. And tie your hair. You look like a mess."

Within minutes, Wei Ying made himself somewhat presentable and with Chenqing tucked into his belt and Suibian (Yes, Suibian is back! Wei Ying has been cultivating his core again) in his hand, he walked towards the guest pavilion. He found his sister pouring tea for their guest while his brother was sitting on his chair, cleaning his Sandu.

Wei Ying cleared his throat and sat in front of his guest who looked at him with wide eyes. He was a middle aged man, average looking and definitely not a cultivator. He did not even have any weapons on him. He looked completely frazzled as he immediately stood up to bow to Wei Ying.

"Wei Gongzi! It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Luo Tian. I am a common man from Yi City and I am here to request you to help me," he said in a single breath of nervousness.

"Luo Gongzi. Why don't you take a seat? Have some tea and then you can tell me what the problem is," said Wei Ying with a calm voice.

The man sat down and emptied the cup of tea in a single gulp causing Wei Ying to throw amused glances at his siblings. They stared at the man who was nervously fidgeting under their gazes.

The man finally looked into Wei Ying's eyes and the latter could see so many different emotions swimming in those pools of black, fear being the most dominant.

"Wei Gongzi," he started. "I recently bought a plot in the outskirts of Yi City for a pretty low price. I should have known that something was not right the minute I realized how low the price is. But my greed made me spend all of my savings for that one house and now I am left with nothing."

Wei Ying frowned at the man in confusion. "If you were cheated, you should have gone to the local Sheriff. Why are you here?"

"I was cheated. Yes. But the problem with the house is that there is a lantern in there."

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