07: A wildfire of regret

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"Not devour but cherish!"

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"Not devour but cherish!"

Jimin turned around to see the person and to say that he was shocked would be an understatement, he was beyond shocked. He was seeing himself in front of him. As far as he knew, he never had a twin. Who was he?

The same-looking guy looked at Jimin with a sly smile but deep down in his eyes, Jimin could see anger and disappointment buried.

"Don't be confused. I'm your past self, not your twin," he said and Jimin's eyes widened. Did he just read his thoughts?

"Are you witnessing the scene there?" he pointed his finger behind Jimin's back who hesitatingly turned to face . . . a boy laying on a beautiful girl's lap, counting his last breath. They both were crying miserably. The agony and despair, he could sense it in the girl's cries from that far and it pained his heart to see her like that.

"Remember anything?" he spoke behind Jimin who was just staring at the pair in the battleground, "The boy is you, Jimin. And the girl is Jane."

Jimin was not in a position to utter a single word, and the thing that hurt him the most was his past self was the one telling him her name. He kissed her, craved her, while the whole time, he had no idea about her identity.

Proud of you, Jimin. He said to himself.

"This is your past life, Jimin. You had promised her to meet in another life. You built up her hopes," he scoffed at him mockingly, "and she came to you. With the hope that you will remember her, you will accept her, cherish her, love her, make her feel divine - she came to you," he paused, stepping in front of Jimin to meet his eyes.

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