1.5K Special! A date with Mugi!

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Sorry for not posting the special when we actually hit 1.5k. I honestly wasn't expecting to hit it that quick. requested by @IronicallyUncreative i think. next special will be at 3k
I think the next person for specials is Ritsu but idk tho


It's been a few days since the school festival. It was now a Saturday morning.

Y/n yawned and sat up from his bed. He tried remembering his dream that he had earlier. Something about some sort of creature. The words "sus" and "impostor" kept on popping up when he tried to think about the dream more. Oh, well. It's not like it was related to some sort of game that would be released approximately 10 years later or anything.

A vibration could be heard to Y/n's left. It was his phone.
He grabbed it and flipped it open. (Remember this is 2010, flip phones were a thing back then)
It was a message from Mugi.

Mugi: Hey, Y/n! Are you doing anything today? 🤔

Mugi had perfect grammar and would always end her sentences with an emoji. Kinda reminded you of a Karen, except they aren't mad at vaccines, or 5g.

Y/n: uh not really

Y/n, on the other hand, would change his way of speaking depending on his mood. It was early in the morning, and he was still tired.

Mugi: That's great! Do you think you'd be able to come out with me in around an hour? 🕒

Y/n: sorry, i gotta go shopping

Mugi: What do you have to get?

Y/n: just a load of meat, vegetables and drinks etc

Mugi: Wait for a second!👍

Y/n closed his phone and put it in his pocket.

Y/n: What did she mean to do by making me wait? I mean, it's not like she's gonna get them for me-

The doorbell rang.

Y/n looked outside a window and saw a black limousine with several men in suits holding bags.

Y/n: Oh, right. She's incredibly rich, and knows where I live.

The doorbell rang again.

Y/n: Yes, I'm coming!

Y/n opened the door and was met by around 10 bags full to the top. The men then climbed back into the limousine and left.


Y/n checked what was inside the bags. Sure enough, it was food. All of the highest quality too.
He felt another vibration from his pocket.

Y/n flipped open his phone again.

Mugi: So can you go then? 🙏

Y/n: uh I guess so

(A/n note: lmao y/ns a dry texter totally not like I couldn't be asked to add personality to him)

Y/n walked over to the kitchen where he proceeded to put everything in the fridge. There was so much that he couldn't even fit everything in. I mean, he could probably get Mugi to get a new fridge for him but oh well. His dad was there too.

Y/n's Dad: Was the person who rang the bell by any chance the one who delivered all of that?

He motioned towards the bags currently overflowing from the fridge.

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