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        "What the fuck do you mean Blake and Ellie are both in a critical condition?" I shouted at Jayson.

        We had been patrolling the borders when Jayson received the mind link from his mother, telling him that he needed to get to hospital and he needed to get there now. Of course, he thought it was something to do with Ellie, so he mind linked me and I got here as soon as I could.

        "I mean they are both at death's door. I mean they are both suffering from some serious internal bleeding. I mean they have been injured to the point where not even the wolf can heal them," Jayson snapped, his head turning quickly so that he was actually looking at me.

        I could feel the tears in the corners of my eyes and I had never cried. Not once in my twenty years had I ever cried but this was too much for one person to take in.

        Ellie and Blake had literally only just found each other, she had accepted him, now they were both dying because of something which could have been stopped had we been here at the time. I was so angry, with myself for not being here, and at the staff for just letting the psycho walk in there in the first place.

        "What did your mum say?" I muttered, taking a seat across from Jayson and letting my head fall into my hands so that he couldn't see I was crying. I didn't want to give him another thing to tease me for, not when he already had so much to laugh at me for.

        "I just told you what she said. Blake and Ellie are probably going to die. Or weren't you listening to that part?" Jayson sneered.

        "Of course I fucking heard you. You act like they're only your friends, but they're mine too, so you're not the only one fucking hurting right now," I shouted angrily. If he thought I wasn't going to be pissed off with his sarcasm then he really was a complete and utter idiot.

        "Don't you dare spea-"

        "Yeah. I know. You're the Alpha and I'm just your third in command. You're everything and I am nothing. You're in charge and I do as you tell me. You don't need to give me all that crap right now," I stopped him before he could go off on his usual rant about respect.

        I always thought that respect was a two-way street though. You had to give it to earn it, but apparently Jayson doesn't go by that philosophy. He just does what he likes and thinks people should respect him.

        The pack practically worship the ground on which he walks because he's done nothing but respect them. When it comes to me though, he says he gives a damn about me, but I know that's a load of crap. He has always favoured Blake over me and he always will.

        I wouldn't call myself jealous, simply tired. Tired of being walked over all the time and treated like I am a no one by the person who claims to be my friend. But if he was really my friend, he wouldn't treat me the way he does when no one else is looking.

        "Then you will do well to remember it," Jayson said firmly and I couldn't help but laugh at how pathetic he was being right now.

        "Our friends are fighting for their lives but the only thing you seem to give a damn about is whether or not I am respecting you? I think you need some professional help Jayson," I said coldly and then walked out of the room, walking towards where Blake and Ellie had been moved to.

        I needed to see them and I needed to tell them that if they didn't fight this, I would kill them myself because I needed them both. They were the two people outside my family who treated me like  I mattered and if they were to both die, I don't know what I would do.

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