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(Archies POV)

I was still getting used to the fact that I survived basic chaos. The black hood attacks still traumatized me to this day, and the fact that I told noone that I had the biggest crush on Jughead.

Is it even a crush? Like I always felt that I would protect him, and that his butt is nice which is an added bonus.But I just don't know. I told them if I didn't graduate with them, which there is a likelihood of I owed them a surprise, or a graduation present. I think I will graduate though. I got a text from Betty, because, y'know it's the weekend, and she said "hey", and then I got another text saying "guess what?" I replied "what" cause I was bored and a little bit anxious to tell them that I liked Jughead. She then said " after all this crap that happened, I realized you never kissed Jughead, you guys are the only ones who haven't kissed" .She then said " I want you guys to kiss, maybe at 12 today". I was confused and terrified and excited, I was about to kiss my crush, in front of my girlfriend who I love a lot. What if I reveal that I like Jughead? I guess we have to figure it out soon enough. The anxiety was throwing me off for sure. Veronica will hate me for this and I will love her to the end of the world, as I do with her curves and her rebellious personality, how can I not love her? I know, if I am completely gay, but I had a big crush o n Veronica when she walked in the room for the first time. I remember the black hood attacks and when I almost told my friends I was bisexual, but I couldn't, I still hate myself to this day for it.I could've done it so many times, but I was to scared, now that this is the only "exciting" thing in life, I have to take the risk.

(Jugheads POV)

I always liked Archie, I don't know why but I would do the world for him and Betty, which one will I save first?
That's the problem, I don't know where I should go, while in the middle of my thoughts Veronica texted me a winky face and then she said "guess what Betty told me is happening at lunch?" I replied lazily cause my head is full of trauma and confusion, so I Just replied "what" no capital letters no question marks, not even a winky face back. She replied, "you will kiss Archie". Oh shit, why would I do that? and why does she want me to kiss her boyfriend? Does she know I like him? I said "why?" because I was honestly confused why. She then said "you 2 r the only 1s who haven't kissed yet" I looked at the grammar, then remember it is a text, and then say, "yeah makes sense now" or something really dumb like that, cause I don't know what to do, should I practice? or would that be to far? I decided I shouldn't practice, just think about the way I will kiss him. I keep forgetting about Betty for some reason, she is perfect and I would do anything for her, but that is the way I feel about Archie as well, it's so hard to choose one to date, he also plays football, which seems pretty straight to me, but I guess I have to. The build up to twelve o'clock happened fast. so when I got there, Betty and Veronica were telling me to kiss. I did, and it was the best feeling in the world, better than Betty's kisses, I hated that I liked it more than Betty's kisses so I went to the bathroom and cried a shit ton because I was scared of how to break up with Betty to be with Archie.

(Archies POV)

  I ran off after him wondering if he liked it like I did, but he was just crying saying "why oh why did I love that, and even more than Betty's kisses". I was shocked at what I heard, seeing how I liked him back as well, so I just said silently and awkwardly, I liked it too, like a lot more than you think I did, I loved it. He looked at me and stuttered "r-really?" I said yes, because it's true, the panic has gone crazy, like I actually liked a kiss with a GUY a GUY. I don't know what to think at this point, so I just blurted out "do you want to go on a date with me". He then replied "I have a girlfriend that I don't know how to break up with" I replied, because I do care about him, "Just ask if you can still be friends cause I love someone else". He retorted "Thanks for telling me how to come out". I don't know why he was so scared to come out, I was but still, it would be nice to do it. I offered the advice of "They will support you" which is the dumbest advice ever, but it still might help a little bit. I then just said "I love you", like we are a couple. I don't know why I said it, maybe the kiss made me realize I was definitely not straight, like for sure not straight. I escorted him out of the bathroom and awkwardly wiped his tears.

(A/N for rest of chapter)

I probably will regret making this, I already do. But yes I will add some extra gay shit and try to make it actually good unlike this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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