Chapter 4

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Another shrill scream followed but spindly legs and a sickening slice that cut the scream short. Eleven. That was the eleventh time that's happened. Whether it was a classmate of mine, someone I knew, or just a random stranger, I couldn't help but cringe.

I tapped my hands nervously on my knees that were to my chest. Kenny watching the door with his gun never leaving his hand.

The day wasn't even over and everything was going so wrong. I wanted to go find my classmates, to find my friends and get the hell out of here and find my family, but we couldn't. We were trapped in here with monsters roaming the floor. Probably littered in dead bodies too. The window was too high to jump from and even if we did manage to get down, the snow had been stained red with victims.

We couldn't see the ski lodge but I bet by now everyone there has been attacked too.

But we can't be the only survivors.

And that's why we were trying to compose a plan to escape.

We can't say up here forever. Eventually, we'll run out of food, even though neither of us are hungry right now and it's a possibility that the water supply will be cut off.

"Do you think..." I started, grabbing his attention. Those hard eyes meeting mine. "Do you think that this is the end?"

He didn't answer for a minute, then two. I was starting to think that he really thought this is where humanity ended until he sighed.

"I believe it's only the end if ya let it be." He said, shifting his rifle. "And it won't be mine. Like I said, I'm a survivor."

"Sometimes it's not a choice."

"Life has been a bitch to me so I'm gonna be one right back."

I ran my hands through my hair, already sweating again. I wanted to go soak back in cold water but Kenny advised against it. Loud noises attracted monsters.

"Then can we crack the window, just a bit?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Ya know, above-average body temperature is another symptom." I rolled my eyes at him, burying my head in my knees.

"I'm not infected."

"Ya won't be sayin' that when ya turn."

"I won't."

"Sometimes it's not a choice." He spat right back at me.

So I rolled up my sleeves and rested my head back against the wall.

Another hour or two had passed of us listening to the monsters outside the room and watching outside for any sign of help. Although as more time passed, it seemed as if there were fewer and fewer footsteps roaming the halls.

Except for this one time the sound of a panicked woman banging on doors and begging for help alerted me. My head popped up at the sound and Kenny cautiously watched the door. I started to get up, knowing that she was probably in trouble and needed help but Kenny hissed for me to sit back down.

"She needs help!"

"She'll find her own."

"You helped me!"

"Special case. Now sit back down." I ignored him, knowing how desperate I was for help whenever I was attacked and raced to the door. But I froze once I heard the click of the rifle. "Sit. Back. Down." His words were dangerous.

"She's just trying to survive, like you and me."

"And she'll get us killed. Now sit before ya regret it." I glanced over to him and how deadly serious he was, then back to the door.

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