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chapter seventeen;'straight' orienteering ─────── • ❥ • ───────

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chapter seventeen;
'straight' orienteering
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"Ugh, it's so hot out," Donghyuck whined while fanning his face with his hand. The soft, pastel pink glow radiating off his cheeks as well as the minuscule, almost unnoticeable droplets of sweat beading down his temples made even his overheating partner feel warmer. "Do you think anyone would notice if we ditched and had an ice-cream?"

"I would love that," Mark yawned against the sun's rays beating heavily against his suncream-protected skin, "But the others would definitely rub the loss in our faces like a pile of crap, so that's also a big consideration to take into account."

The tanned adult nodded wearily and trudged onwards through the protected forestry. Everything was dappled in light which was interrupted a great deal by the canopy above their heads. Some random groups were wandering past at regular intervals, but they weren't against the duo so it didn't really matter.

Orienteering was not Mark Lee's concept of fun, and it didn't really seem to be Donghyuck's either. They ended up getting paired together regardless since Renjun insisted on a teammate who cared, and Chenle immediately glued to Jisung since they had 'stuff to chat about'. The only remaining group member was Jaemin, and Mark instantly decided that Shota was a better fit for his insane behaviour than he himself was.

"Where's the first clue?" The younger groaned. "I'm getting burned under this temperature."

"Here," the older produced the map they'd been handed. "Apparently it's nailed to a tree, so that's all very helpful isn't it—"

"Oh, oh! This tree!" Hyuck cheered ecstatically before bounding over to his chosen stem of nature and nudging the small, metal circle hanging from its bark. The silly object looked more like a medal of honour than an orienteering hint...though maybe it was with the given circumstances of being a tree. "I found it~"

"Well done," the ravenette congratulated before placing the map onto his knee and whipping the pen out to scrawl across it; number 142 - 34.

"Where's number thirty-four?" The younger called.

"Back down towards the river and lake section. Also, what letter was attached?"


"Nice. Now we have M and R."

The male didn't seem as amused as his teammate was though, and he wiped the palms of his hands against his exposed thighs to rid them of excess sweat. "Mhm, very fun. When's the party over?"

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