Chapter 17- Look and Listen

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Chapter 17- Look and Listen

I panted as I slammed the door behind me. Leaning my back against it I looked round the hotel room. It was small and probably is barely cost anything to stay here. I looked over at the man who when he took his hat and coat off. 

He didn't look so mysterious with his hat off, could just pass as another person in this city without a second glance. 

"You want some food?" He asked me

I shake my head "No, thanks." 

He shrugs "Cool." 

"I want to know about my mom." I tell him moving away from the door and walking closer to him. 

He smirks "Straight to the point, little one." 

"Yes, so stop stalling and tell me."

"Patience. Are you sure you don't want to eat?" 

I shook my head "I'm fine thanks." I replied bluntly, all I wanted know was about Mom. 

"Okay. Take a seat." He pats the bed in front of him "You look uncomfortable just standing there." 

I walked hesitating a little towards the double bed in the middle of the room.  

"I'm fine here thanks." 

He pulls a face "Suit yourself. Heard you were a stubborn one." 

I scrunch my face up "how would you hear that?" Annoyed that these people all think they know me. 

"Just around." He simply replies "You have really dark hair don't you." 

I sit down on the edge of the bed "Yes? Why?" 

"Nothing dark hair is nice." He tells me.

"Oh... Ok?" 

We say in silence for the next few minutes, I tried to avoid eye contact whilst he kept his eyes trained on me. 

"How is it with Ben and William?”

“Can you just tell me!” I snapped at him. His weird small talk was irritating me.

He shrugs “I could…”

“Go on then.”

“… But I think we should get to know each other a bit before I tell you my secrets.”

Was he serious?! I just needed to know so that I could go get Mom and he was my only way to do that right now. Just talk to him. I heard from my head. I sighed. “They are fine to be with. I don’t know them that well.”

“Well enough though.” He nodded at me to agree with him.

I look a bit confused but nod along “I guess?”

“Well you know about the deep dark side of Ben Marks, not many people know that until they become the lucky victim.” He says matter o factly. It wasn’t like I wanted to know? I basically got dragged into it; however I wasn’t going to explain this to him.

I raise my eyebrows “Really?” I’ll admit I was a little interested to hear about Ben…

“Yes, his quite a secretive one. He had a bad upbringing apparently, No one really knows the whole story, just bits.”

I nod and wait for him to carry on.

“His old man had something to do with it, Alcoholic apparently turn him violent or so they say.”

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