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chapter eighteen; no time for sleep─────── • ❥ • ───────

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chapter eighteen;
no time for sleep
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"Bye bye, Shota," the boys waved eagerly as they each stepped onto the bus one by one. The young, Japanese boy stood with his parents by the entrance of the adventure centre and returned the smile, probably equally as exhausted as they were. It had been an incredible experience, they'd all admit, but time drew on and they had to part ways.

Once everyone was situated in their seats — where they usually perched — Jaemin performed his duties and fired up the engine, listening to it purr even in such an ugly monstrosity of a vehicle; and somehow, he still felt proud of it. "Time for some dinner, huh?"

"Can we just skip it tonight?" Chenle asked as politely as possible without pulling on his grizzly bear suit and confessing to just how uninterested in that he was. Food sounded like effort at this point in time, and not a one of them were able to move a single limb to perform such tasks.

"Yeah, I guess. I kind of want to see the hot springs before we leave tomorrow though."

"Oh, that was in my plans as well," Donghyuck clapped his hands together. "Apparently it's really good for stress relief."

The youngest Chinese member of the tour couldn't prevent a sly smirk from forming and cheekily leaned in to pluck a headphone from Jisung's ear, whispering; "You know what else is stress relief?"

Having heard absolutely none of the previous conversation for context and being left with such a suggestive tone, the Korean flushed red as far as the tips of his ears and tilted his head to view his new seat mate. "Dude..."

"Take from that what you will," Chenle merely shrugged with a cunning grin and sat back comfortably. He was now officially content with life, having a boy whom he knew was interested in similar things to him and someone he could both tease and relate to, as well as other group members who seemed chill and unbothered by pretty much all aspects of life. Mark had come around at long last, and they had Hyuck to thank for that.

The bus journey back felt shorter than the way up, and Jeno didn't need to navigate it this time — contrarily accidentally falling asleep against Renjun's enticing shoulder. He had his glasses on to read, but since it had gotten pretty dark now, his body simply shut down and told him to take a well-deserved break. The shorter didn't mind at all, and rested his cheek to the black, fluffy hair as well to catch some shut-eye before they arrived. When that time finally came, the seven men were almost tempted to just sleep on the TTN, rather than move themselves to their rooms.

"C'mon~" Jaemin insisted, "Don't make me drag you lot. I'm exhausted too, 'cause I drive. Yeah, that's right, I actually do work. You lot just climbed a few rocks!"

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