Soul Searching

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Eiji could still hear the gunshots ringing in his head.


Eiji could still hear Ash screaming his friend's name.

The PTSD Eiji had developed was scary. Everything had happened so fast. Eiji really liked Ash, but the flashbacks terrified him.

Dino's disgusting face.

Shorter's cry for help.

The flash of gunshots.


Everything played on repeat in Eiji's head. It was non-stop. The thoughts, they wouldn't leave. It had only been a few hours since Eiji had arrived home. He was happy to be back, but he just wanted to be with Ash. Was Ash okay? He did see the note, didn't he? Eiji couldn't stop worrying. What if's were constantly on his mind.

At 5:00pm, Eiji got a phone call. The number read "unknown caller ID" which meant he was probably just getting a spam call. So, Eiji ended the call. He wasn't in the mood to get scammed. But, the phone rang again. This time, Eiji picked up the phone, frustrated.

"Hello?" Eiji said to the phone, annoyed he even picked up in the first place.

The caller spoke back, "Eiji?!" The voice was familiar...someone Eiji had talked to before. Eiji knew the voice, but couldn't match a face to it. If he knew this voice, did that mean the person who called was Ash? But it didn't really sound like Ash. Well, everyone has their own phone voice...

"Ash?! Ash is that you?!!" Eiji's mood lightened. Ash finally called him!

But no. The only response Eiji was met with was silence. Eiji could feel his heart racing.

A sniffle sound was made on the other side of the line.

Then, Ash spoke. This time, his voice was full of sorrow, "No Eiji. It's Sing. I need to tell you something."

Eiji's happy mood quickly turned down a notch. Eiji was confused, but mostly happy his friend Sing had called. Although, Sing didn't sound too happy himself.

Sing continued, "Eiji, it's best you sit down." Eiji did as Sing said. Another sob was heard, "Ash is in the hospital, Eiji."

Eiji frowned. This had to be some joke, right? Ash was probably prank calling Eiji. Maybe Ash even had something planned for him.

"I don't believe you," Eiji laughed lightly, "You're just pranking me, aren't you, Sing?" The laugh Eiji expected to hear next never came. "Right, Sing? Tell me you're joking"

"Eiji," Sing paused, "Ash isn't going to make it..."

Eiji froze, his eyes wide. No. I must have misunderstood Sing...

"What do you mean, Sing?" Eiji was praying that he misunderstood.

Sing sighed a quivering breath, "Eiji, I mean Ash is dying. He's taking his last breaths as we speak." Another sigh. "I was too late, Eiji. If I just got there faster..." Another pause. This time, the pause felt like an eternity. It felt like forever. Eiji's vision started to blur. He could almost physically feel his world crumbling down on him. Tears. Lots of tears. They flowed down Eiji's face. Down his cheeks. They soaked his face. Unbearable sadness ripped at Eiji's heart. Pain. Actual, physical pain. It was reality. And reality hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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