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Hi! my name is Ember Fox, you can call me Em. Most of my friends do. If you ask what someone like me is doing on Earth, let me tell you. I am here to maintain peace between mortals, but am I doing that? No. Why? 'cause I am bored.

Today is my 16th birthday on Earth, but originally I am much much older. Yeah, I am the oldest living person on Earth. BUT- nobody knows that, so I expect you to also not tell anyone.


If you are wondering how I look, then here-

If you didn't see a picture above then, SORRY! You're never gonna know how I look. Just know that I am BEAUTIFUL.

Anyways, I made a mistake today. I forgot that anything I would wish for will come true as today was my birthday. Yeah, cool right? But sometimes it's not. I wished to know everyone's soulmate and that led to this.

Don't worry, I made everyone in this world think that it was totally normal. I had to set some more rules, here-

1. You get your soulmark -Tattoo of the first sentence your soulmate says to you- at the age of 5.
2. If you meet your soulmate, the tattoo will glow with his/her hair color.
3. You are naturally drawn to your soulmate.

That's all.

So, my soulmark says - 'We're the same. Thank god it's not like my brother's -Yes, I have a brother, surprised?- It says - 'F<bleep> You!' in CAPITAL letters, ON HIS NECK!

Pff-Hahahahaha "Ny loir beothwr!" hahaha!

~Author-chan gets tired of Em and takes over the phone.
Em tries to take the phone back but author-chan cleverly sticks her tongue out and gets back to her universe.
Author-chan dances in victory while Em sulks.
Now, author-chan is writing.~

Translation of 'Ny poie beothwr!' : 'My poor brother!' by author-chan.

I am sorry about Em, and she looks like this:

I am sorry about Em, and she looks like this:

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I am sure you have seen her before.
She is pretty famous.
Well, That's it for chapter 1. See you in chapter 2.

PS: Hello, dear reader! I and Em thank you for reading our book. May you have a good day. Stay safe.

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