I'm in

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Dear diary,
    I'm Marinette Dupain-Chang, I live in Paris. And I go to a small reserved school. I live in a bakery, and I hate my life. Everyone calls me a goodly two shoes and a loner. When I'm in my room all I do is scream that I want to change, I know what I want to do. I know what I have to, and I'm going to officially do it today. Wish me luck.
    Abuse tw
   As I close the pages of my fairly empty journal I fall back on my bed. Rethinking my thoughts of what is inevitable to come. I know what I want to be, I know how to do it. And I know for sure it's going to be fun.
   A little introduction, as stated my names Marinette. My father ran away when I was just three years old and my mother fell into terrible drinking habits. That's how she met Jagged, my step father. They abuse me and abuse their rights over me. I'm seventeen years old and I cover bruises and cigarette burns when I go to school. I'm the loner that everyone thinks is a weirdo. I illustrate the death of my parents almost daily and I've started vaping on my lunch breaks. I don't hate who I am, I'm finding myself. I hate what people think of me, so why not make it worse?
Ringggg... ringgggg... ringggg...
"Shut the fuck up!" I scream at my alarm clock.
"I guess it's time for another day in hell." I say to myself whilst grabbing my book bag.
As I make my way to school I see everyone piling on not wanting to miss the bell.
'Why does everyone care if they're a little late?' I think to myself with a little grin on my face.
I walk over to the side of the school and I pull out my vape, can't go a day without it.
As I light it I hear the devils daughter walk up to me snickering.
"Look it's the addict." She says while she laughs with her friends.
"Oh look it's the spoiled rich bitch who pays her people to be her friends" I comeback to her evil comment.
"You don't get to talk to me like that Dupain-Chang. You smell like shit." She says back to me.
"Chloe, are you sure you aren't smelling yourself? Be honest." Her face gets red with anger as I smirk and giggle before taking another drag of my vape.
"Ugh" she huffs and puffs turning around and making her minions follow her into the school.
"Finally" I say under my breath hiding my juul in my back pocket.
I pick my bag up from the ground and I make my way into school. The bell has rung five minutes ago but I didn't care.
I make my way into my class and everyone looks at me.
"What?" I say loud enough for everyone to hear as I walk to my seat and plop down.
"Mrs.Dupain-Chang why are you late this time?" Mrs.Bustier says to me giving me a worried look.
"She was vaping outside" Chloe says loud enough for the front row and the teacher to hear.
"Is that true Marinette?" The teacher looks at me worryingly.
"Yea yea whatever. It doesn't matter. I wasn't in the school doing it." I say as I reach down to grab my AirPods out of my bag.
Everyone gasps like they thought better of me.
"I don't want you to be late again, especially for that reason. It's horrible for you." She says to me.
I ignore her as I search through my phone for my playlist.
Could've went worse I guess.
As the time gets closer to lunch the more Chloe teased me, I was used to it at this point. No one sees what happens at home. But at least it's me and not anyone else. 
Everyone packs up and heads to lunch.
When everyone has left the classroom I then start to pack up, when a classmate of mine walks up to me.
"Are you okay?" She asks.
"Who are you? Yeah I'm fine, I'm alive aren't I?" I snap at her.
"Oh, I'm sorry. It just seems like you're picked on a lot. Maybe you want a friend?" The girl says to me with a big grin on her face.
"No, I wouldn't like a friend. Thanks for the offer but I'm better off alone." I say declining her wish to befriend me.
"Come on, everyone wants a friend." She says after looking very surprised.
"I'm not everyone am I? You don't want to be my friend. Chloe probably put you up to this." I say with anger now filling my voice. My eyes going blind sighted. Chloe has to fucking stop or I'll put a foot so far up her a-
"I don't like Chloe," she says, "Chloe makes fun of me too." She says.
"And how do I know you're not lying?" I say as I get really close to her with anger building up inside of me. Feeling like I'm about to explode.
"Well.. *clears throat* you're just going to have to believe me." She says cowering down like a puppy.
"What's your name?" I ask her, realizing that I don't know yet.
"Alya! And yours?" She says starting to get her enthusiasm back.
"Marinette. Don't call me anything besides that. I've never had a friend before. And starting now, I guess I'll meet you at the side of the school everyday." I say with no emotion in my voice.
"Oh okay!" Alya says as we walk out of the classroom.
"Where are you going? Cafeteria is this way." Alya reminds me as I'm walking towards the back door.
"I don't eat lunch with people. I don't eat lunch in general. I go out back and I smoke. You can go eat like normal. I'll meet you back in here later." I say not turning around or stopping as I reach the door, I hear footprints behind me.
"Chlo-," I say turning around "Alya? I don't you to go eat lunch as normal."
"Meh, I don't really sit anywhere anyway." She says to me as we walk out and head to the big tree.
I take out of my juul finally releasing myself with a big puff.
"Wanna hit?" I offer to Alya, with the most emotion I could.
"Oh me? No thank you, I don't smoke." Alya says.
"You sure? You wanted to be my friend but you don't even do anything that I do. I smoke, drink, get into fights. And you, you look like you should be friends with the girls who cry in between classes." I say looking up to the sky, still puffing.
"I know, but you seem cool. You also looked like you needed someone." Alya says with a sweet smile on her face.
"Come on, it won't hurt." I say holding out my juul for her to take it.
"I-I guess.." she takes it and takes a small hit.
"Hm it tastes good" she manages to get out before coughing like crazy.
"I know, I got an extra one of you want it." I say looking at her face. I could tell she wanted more. So I take a puff and I hand it back to her.
"You went in for seconds but you claim you've never done it before." I question.
"I haven't but I liked the feeling it gave me." Alya admits.
"Hm, I do too." I agreed.
"Back to class I guess" we both say in sync.
As we walk back in, she hands me my vape back and I hide it in my pocket again. Another two hours and I get to go home.
"Hey Alya?" I whisper to her.
"Yea Marinette?" She whispers questioningly.
"Wanna come to mine after school?" I offer.
"Of course, just let me know." She walks away toward her next class smiling like she had accomplished the impossible. I don't think it's that hard to get through me right?
School continues, the bullying continues and finally the bell rings and I'm first out of the school. I go to my spot beside the school with my home being right across the street. I wait for Alya.
"Hey girl!" Alya sneaks up on me.
"I'll fucking kill you if you do that again." I say with no emotion once again.
"I'm sorry.." Alya cowers away.
"Let's go"
We cross the street and make our way into my bakery. I offer a croissant and she accepts and we start the way to my apartment.
"My parents aren't home ignore the mess. My room isn't like that." I say I'm embarrassment.
"It's fine!" Alya says oddly excited.
We sit on my bed and I finally decide to make the first step of my plan.
"Alya, to remain my friend I have to ask you one question. That is, are you willing to go to hell with me?" Completely into what I'm about to say, I'm finally doing it. What I was born to do.
"Yes of course, but make it heaven!" Alya says with her certain tone.
"No, I mean hell. Are you willing to create the deadliest gang with me?"
"I-I" Alya stutters.
"I'm in"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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