₀₂. 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞

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"how long has this been going on?" i asked melody, as we still walked back to our common room.

"what are you talking about?" she played dumb.

"you and blaise freaking zabini!" i paused, "what's up with that?"

she blushed, "he asked me to meet him at his common room earlier today."

we went inside our common room after both answering a riddle to enter.

"you and mattheo were talking before we came, weren't you?"

"barely," i responded, "i'm going to sleep. i don't know about you."

"i'm definitely going to sleep," melody sighed, falling onto her bed, "to dream of blaise..."

i rolled my eyes, covering myself in my bedcovers, "good night."


after classes the next day, i was happily working on an astronomy essay when i heard a knock on the door.

"mel– the door is open!"

"it's mattheo."

my jaw dropped and i quickly ran to the door, opening it.

"how have you been?" he asked me, inviting himself in.

i took another deep breath.

"relax, it's only me." he laughed, walking closer to my bed.

he stopped right in front of me and looked me dead in the eyes, "i don't know why you get so nervous around me."

"i– i– uh–" i stuttered, "how did you get in here?'

he ignored my embarrassing stuttering and climbed on my bed, standing on it, "your bed's much squeakier than mine."

he gave me a seductive wink and started to jump on my bed.

"what are you doing?" i asked, hesitantly walking closer to the bed.

he jumped down right in front of me and smirked, "i'm looking at you."

i turned my head away from him, watching the clock tick on the wall.

"don't look over there," he paused, "look at me."

he gently grabbed my face and brought it to his, pulling off my glasses.

i breathed slowly, practically frozen in nervousness, "mattheo–"

and with one more breath, his lips touched mine and i felt electricity run through my veins. i couldn't believe what was happening. i couldn't believe that i was having my first kiss with my biggest crush. i began to think it was a dream until i opened my eyes to find mattheo freaking riddle still kissing me. still frozen, i pulled away.

he smiled at me, "i'll catch you later, eevee."

and he walked away, right out of the room.

speechless, i stood there, eyes still widened. i just wondered why mattheo bothered to kiss me– the school's biggest nerd.

i went down to the actual common room and stared at the fireplace, reading to get my mind off of the kiss. behind me i noticed a tall, skinny boy with shaggy brown hair and light brown eyes reading a book, lounging on the sofa.

"it's really nice and warm in here, isn't it?" he began.

"it is," i blushed, "i'm eevee. potter."

"no way! your dad is..."

"harry potter," i continued, "yeah, that's my dad."

"cool!" he jumped off of the sofa and held out his hand, "i'm jackson, by the way. jackson kade."

"i've never seen you here before. are you new?"

"yeah, i just transferred from ilvermorny." he smiled.

"cool," i awkwardly replied, "i–"

"eevee!" melody shouted as she walked in, "why didn't you tell me blaise was in your transfiguration class?"

"i'll talk to you later then." i whispered to jackson, standing up and walking back to my dormitory.

melody sniffed the air, "it smells like boys."

"cologne." she went on, "where are your glasses?"

"i put them over there– i need to tell you something–"

"what?" she asked.

"mattheo came over here and he–" i played with my fingers.

"he what?!"

"he kissed me."

"shut up!" melody stared at me with disbelief.

"no– i mean it," i replied, "why would i ever lie to you?"

she stared back at me again, "how was it?"

"it was amazing!" i sighed, "just how you described it."

she smiled, "i'm sure mattheo kisses good. he's pretty experienced– you know– kissing every girl in the world."

"he's such a player," she continued, "but i think he sees something different in you."

i blushed, "i doubt it."

"there's only one way to find out."

i stared at her confusedly.

"i got us dresses to wear to a slytherin party tonight."

"there's already a party?! at what time? is there gonna be alcohol?" i rambled.

"live a little, eevee. it's our sixth year!"

"is blaise teaching you to be this rebellious?" i asked, "we should study instead!"

"eevee. we are going. thank me later." she threw me a small silver dress.

"no sleeves!?" i yelled.

melody rolled her eyes, "stop being a baby. put it on and i'll do your makeup."

"i don't know if i should go, mel."

"mattheo's gonna be there!" she exclaimed.

i shook my head, smiling and went to the bathroom to try on the dress.

"wow. you look beautiful," melody gasped, "wait til mattheo sees you in that."

i sat down in front of the mirror as she pulled off my glasses and began doing my makeup.

"what if there are drugs there?"

"you need to relax. we don't need to do drugs or drink alcohol. we're just going to dance and have fun."

"you've changed, mel," i mentioned, "no more glasses. lip gloss. you're not changing for blaise, are you?"

"of course not," she replied, "i just like this look better."

when she finished up my makeup, i looked in the mirror. i was almost unrecognizable.

i began to put my glasses back on but melody gave me a box of contacts instead.

"you bought these for me?" i asked, "they must have cost so much!"

"consider it an early christmas present," she smiled, "now, let's go party!"

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