insomniac girlfriend - alyssa naeher

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AN: this is a short one, but it wouldn't leave my brain so here. Myka is Alyssa's girlfriend and works for the FBI.

[Myka pov]
I've been up working on these stupid case reports since I got home at 03:00, it's now 13:00. I decide to take a quick break to grab more coffee as I feel myself getting worn out seeing as it's been about 50 hours since I last slept. Pulling off my glasses and standing up I walk into the kitchen from the office and pour myself an iced coffee while checking my phone. I see a few messages.

Lyss: I don't know how long you've been up and I'm not sure I want to. But please try and get some sleep, I'll be home at 3, love you, m. 🤍

JJ: Hey, I have a few notes I wanna check with you, call soon?

I quickly respond to Alyssa trying to soothe her worried mind the best I can before grabbing my coffee and walking back into the office to call JJ. I set up the face time on my phone and pull open my work on my laptop yet again.

"Hey JJ, what's up"
"Hey, so I just wanted to go over the details from the third day of the Massachusetts case, I wasn't quite sure what happened to you and Matt".
"Oh okay yea let's go over it"

[jj pov]
We spent the next hour and a half or so going over the case and I could tell Myka hadn't slept the night before and was exhausted out of her mind.

"Hey, Myka, why don't we take a break, regroup in a few hours yea?" "No, we should just get it done while it's fresh in our brains plus we need to be back in the office soon enough" "Myka. you need to sleep" "I will once we finish these reports, don't worry"

I spent a while trying to convince her to go to bed but it was clear she wasn't listening so I let her keep working.

Until it got to the point her body decided to work against her stubborn brain and she began falling asleep at the desk, her eyes would close, her body beginning to fall before she jolted awake and kept writing.

I tried to hold back my laughs of enjoyment and pity "My" "Myka" she pops back awake and stares at me, starts writing then falls back unconscious, only to drop her head and repeat the cycle of jolting awake.

If I didn't feel so bad that she hadn't slept in so long it would be funny, but she needs to sleep if we don't want fucked up case reports.

I decide to text her girlfriend Alyssa, knowing she'd probably get a kick out of it and be able to help get Myka to go to sleep. I take a quick video of the facetime screen and text it to Alyssa.

[alyssa pov]
When I pull into the garage of the apartment building and park the car I hear my phone ding with a message. I pull it out to check and see JJ's name. My heart stops for a second thinking that something might be wrong before my face unlocks the screen and the message appears.

JJ: *video attachment* I hope you're almost home because as funny as this is to watch, her ass needs sleep 😂

My heart rate slows and I sigh in relief before pressing play. I begin to get out of the car as I laugh a bit at the video. My favorite stubborn girl.

Alyssa: Oh my, just pulled in, I'll be up in a second.

I grab my stuff from the car and book it for the apartment. As soon as the key turns the door, I drop my things and head right for the office, thinking about how lucky I am that I showered in the locker rooms after practice. Once I walk into the office, I see exactly what JJ sent me, with her still on the phone.

[JJ pov]
Once Alyssa walked in I decided to wake Myka again. "Myk's, look it's Alyssa" she jolts once again and stares in space before processing what I said to her, turning and seeing Alyssa who is standing behind her, leaning down.

Alyssa kneels behind Myka's chair and kisses her cheek quickly before placing her head on Myka's right shoulder and her hand on the left side of her head, playing with her hair "Hi, Lyssie" Myka states sleepily.

"Hi My, are you, tired love?" Myka mumbles an incomprehensible response to Alyssa's question, leaning further into the goalkeeper's hand and closing her eyes.

Alyssa continues to stabilize Myka's head between her own and her hand, playing with her hair gently as Myka's green eyes shoot open one more time before almost immediately closing and staying that way.

I smile and say "good luck, take care of her" to Alyssa and she smiles before I end the call.

[Alyssa pov]
Once JJ ended the call, I waited until the position I was in started to get unbearably uncomfortable and I knew Myka was deep asleep before moving.

Once I was sure she was asleep I slowly lifted my head until hers was on my shoulder, the hand that was rested against her head playing with her hair I moved to her own, taking the pen from her hand and setting it on the desk as well as closing her laptop. Then I place that hand at her side while my other arm went under her legs to pick her up.

I slowly and gently picked her up and carried her to our bed as she is often a super light sleeper. Once I got to our bed, I pulled the covers back before laying her down. I then laid next to her and pulled the covers back over us as she stayed unmoving in the position I laid her down in.

"You must be very tired my love" I laughed softly as I kissed her forehead, my arms wrapping around her, one drawing circles on her back the other tangled in her hair. "sleep well my beautiful stubborn insomniac".

an: hope you enjoy :) feel free to leave requests in comments or messages

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