Time (Part One)

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                                                                    Drake Mallard x Magnolia Mills (oc)

                                                                          Duck Tales 2017 universe 

"Mills!!" The voice of my current boss broke my thought process. I felt a stab of fear go through me - had I zoned out again? That was the second time this week... "Stop daydreaming and pay attention to the scene - that fire was supposed to light up the building a minute ago!!"

"Sorry!!" I called, glad that I hadn't pressed a button too early. I could not live with myself if I'd killed someone, or burnt their limbs off like what happened at the end of Star Ducks: Episode III. "It won't happen again!!"

"It better not!!" Shaking his head, my boss looked back at the actors. "Okay - from the top, boys."

Sighing, I looked at my watch. Six minutes until I had to press the button. Six minutes till the scene ended. Six minutes more that my mom will sit dying in the hospital.

"Hey," Someone gently bumped my arm. Jumping, I nearly pressed the button. "Oh - sorry I didn't mean to -"

"Never sneak up on a Pyro Tech." I interrupted him, tossing my thumb at the actors. "One wrong slip and I might seriously hurt someone."

"Sorry." I turned to give whoever it was a glare - and stopped. The guy who'd bumped into me was none other than Drake Mallard, a small time actor who was making his name in movies. Like the one being shot right now -

"MILLS!!!" The director roared, just as I pressed the button. The building exploded in a sea of broken glass and flame - lighting up the studio for a moment. The actors on stage leaped down to the ground, looking more shocked than they had the last few takes.

I checked my watch. My six minutes was just barely up.

"Woah...." Mallard said from behind me. I glanced at him and smiled a little to myself. Then I frowned - what was it he had bumped me for? To warn me it was time to press the button? "That was impressive."

"Eh, not really." I shrugged, glancing back at the building. It had just fallen in on itself, and everyone was busy filming. At least I wouldn't be yelled at. "I just pressed the button - everything else is up to the machinery and fire. Anyway," I turned to look at him. "What was it you bumped me for?"

"Oh, uh," Mallard rubbed the back of his head, suddenly nervous. I blinked, unsure of why he was acting like this. It should be me acting that way - I mean I...I kinda liked him. I'd never worked with him personally - but I'd seen him around. "I thought you looked...a little distracted."

"So." I was fighting back the blush on my face. Was it really that obvious?

"So I thought you might want to talk about it..." He suggested, which did make me blush. This couldn't be what I thought it was. "While we, maybe, got something to eat."

"What, like a date?" I had enough on my plate without dating. Drake blushed and shook his head.

"No, no," He rubbed the back of his head again. "I just - I thought you might want to-to talk, that's all."

I stared at him, assessing if he was telling the truth. After staring at him for several minutes...I figured he was, indeed, telling the truth. 

"I'm free for lunch." I said, glancing at my watch. I didn't have any other jobs until eight, so I was free all afternoon. "What about you?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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