The Question

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TW:trauma,graphic stuff

Ezra had been living with Captain Bishop and Doctor DeLuca for almost 2 weeks now. His arms and abdomen were almost fully healed and he's getting more personable every day. "Captain bishop since it's the summer and I don't have school.....can I come to work with you?" Ezra was taller than the blonde by almost 6 inches so she had to look up at him with his cheeky smile and puppy dog eyes. "Yes you can come to work with me...but your running drills with the team." The boy didn't mind drills if he got to spend time at the station. He always had so much fun there with everyone.

***At the station***

"Hey Ezra I'll give you $20 right now if you can make it up onto that platform without using the stairs" Gibson was always messing with Ezra but it was all in good fun. "Can I use the wall?" Ezra asked trying to calculate that distance. "Never mind I'll just use the poll". Ezra took off his shirt,jumped halfway up and grabbed onto the poll hooking his feet at the bottom. "holy shit you can jump" the Lieutenant said with a laugh shocked at how high he could actually jump.

Ezra slowly but surely made his way maybe 2 inches farther before grabbing onto the bars on the platform and pulling himself up and over the rail. "I DID IT OH MY GOSH I DID IT!!!!" he yelled from the platform. he rain down the stairs where half the team including captain bishop stood. She did not look happy. "

you know you could have ripped your stitches, you could have fallen, or gotten seriously hurt!" maya could feel her voice getting louder when she stopped and yelled "EVERYONE GET ON THE LINE WERE DOING DRILLS". Gibson slipped the boy a $20 bill before the two of them stood on the line waiting for instruction.

after about an hour and a half of drills everyone was sweaty and everyone hit the showers. Ezra showered first and was just going to rinse of with some soap when miller said "bro you know the hot water works right?" Ezra laughed and said "yes I know but i just haven't worked up to it yet." Dean shrugged and went about showering. Ezra was still wondering if he had done something to make maya especially upset. He could sense the anger in her voice and felt bad even though he wasn't exactly sure what he did.

***at the apartment***

Ezra and maya walked in the door greeted by a wonderful smell....was that shakshuka?  Ezra walked into the kitchen to see carina cooking shakshuka his favorite meal. "Is this shakshuka?" He asked amazed at how good this food looked. "Si bambino! Do you remember when you told us this was your favorite? Well I looked up how to make it!" Carina said with a smile. "Thank you so much!" Maya walked over to the Italian doctor and gave her a kiss then turning her attention back to Ezra.

"Are you ok?" She asked referring to his arms and stomach. "Yes I'm ok...nothing hurts. I'm sorry if I upset you today Captain bishop" the boy said looking down at the ground almost sounding as if he might cry. "I wasn't upset love I just didn't want you to get hurt again" maya stopped herself realizing that she had just called this boy love. Carina noticed it as well and gave the blonde a confused look. Maya disregarded it and continued on helping carina set up dinner

"Dinners ready!" Carina called from the kitchen. Maya walked in with Ezra and they both sat down at the table. Everyone took a portion of the dish and started to eat. "Wow Dr.Deluca this is amazing!" Ezra said dipping some bread into the portion on his plate. "Yeah babe this is really good" maya looked at the brunette with loving eyes, thankful that she had her in her life.

It was silent for a while when carina spoke up "Ezra bambino, would you be ok with the idea of maya and me fostering you?" Ezra looked up from his plate and looked at the two women, not knowing what to say. "That would be amazing!" He said "I love spending time with you guys and I am eternally grateful to you for taking me in." Carinas eyes started to well up and she looked at maya grabbing her hand.

They had talked about asking Ezra to stay for a couple days now. They wanted him to stay safe with them and they had grown to like him as he stayed in their apartment. "Well then it's settled. Do you want to go shopping tomorrow for clothes?" Maya asked. Ezra smiled and nodded and carina was beyond excited that they got to go shopping.

***at the mall***
"So what kind of clothes do you want?" Carina said with a pile and a half of clothes already in her hands. "Umm i don't know Dr.DeLuca which ones were you thinking about?" He says scratching his head.  Carinas eyes lit up and she led him to a changing room and handed him the pile of clothes. "Try all of these on ok!" She said with a smile.

"Carina stop torturing the poor boy this is supposed to be for him" maya said to her overly excited girlfriend. "Well your the one who asked him if he wanted to go. Your are also the one who decided to bring me along so deal with it because you love me" the brunette had given Ezra a mix of undershirts, jeans, v-neck shirts in every color, and a lot of other little pieces he could make outfits out of.

After hours of shopping and returning home with bags of clothes, carina helped Ezra put it all away. he threw on a white undershirt and some joggers just because it was hot outside and he wouldn't be going anywhere.  Carina and Maya were on the couch watching TV and Ezra sat on the ground in front of carina. "You know you can sit on the couch with us right?" Maya said with a small laugh. Every single time the women had been on the couch before Ezra he would sit on the ground. "Yeah I know I'm still adjusting" he said with a smile.

As the show went on carina looked down at Ezra and started to play with his hair. She loved his red hair, and since it was longer she would curl his hair around her fingers to make new curls, and pull out the already existing curls just to watch them go *boing*. This was the first time he's actually been close enough to them, and calm enough for her to mess with his hair. She thought he wouldn't like and would ask her to stop, but slowly realized that he had actually fallen asleep.

His head was tilted back on the couch and he was asleep. Carina nudged maya with her elbow motioning her to look at Ezra. He was bigger than both of them but in this moment he seemed smaller. "Oh that's adorable...listen, it's almost like a baby" maya said quietly. The blonde muted the TV to reveal Ezra's small coo's in his sleep. Carina looked as though her heart had melted into a puddle "this is our boy" she said. "Yes it is...our boy"

Hi omg sorry for not updating a lot. Thank you so much for reading!!! Let me know what you thought about this chapter and also what you would want to see in future chapters :)

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