I do

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"Oh Carlie you look stunning." I heard Scarlett say as I got my makeup done. Cody and I are getting married today and I couldn't be more nervous than I am right now. I love Cody but I am so scared that I'm making the wrong decision by marrying him. "Thanks Scar. Is everything ready?" I ask as Piper finished my makeup. she nods smiling before saying "Yup. Cody is getting escorted by his mom down the aisle as we speak. We can leave when you are ready." I take a deep breath and say "I'm ready." Scarlett smiles as she sticks a hand out to help me up. As I stood Piper said "we actually have one more thing for you before we head out." Nervously I ask "What is it?" "It's from Alex. He asked me to give it to you when you got married again." Piper says as she takes out an envelope that says in Alex's handwriting "Carlie's wedding day" I furrowed my eyebrows confused as Piper said "He uhm- He wrote it when you and Anthony left the room the day he died. He knew he was dying so he wrote a ton of letters to you and Drew. I think you should read it." I teared up as I carefully opened the envelope. I took the piece of paper out of the envelope and read it.

"Dear Carlie, If you are reading this I didn't make it, but more importantly your getting married again (It's Cody isn't it. I always knew that fucker had feelings for you) anyway I want you to know how proud I am of you. I know how bad You wish it was me waiting for you at the alter. Trust me I wish it was me to. I wanted to write you this letter, and some more for you and Drew for any major milestone I'll be missing like when our little girl graduates high school, and gets married (just don't let her marry Andrew's son. I know he will have a son one day and that shit head will be a heart breaker) It breaks me that I have to leave you to but I just want you to know that I love you, and that I am so damn proud of you. Love, Dugie."

I burst into tears reading Alex's letter. I held onto Piper to try and stop myself from falling. Once I calmed down I said to Piper "Let's go get married." Piper smiles as I smile and says "Let's go," The girls walk me down and escort me to where Joe is waiting for me at the car. The girls walk away and to their car as I walk towards Joe. I see him smiling as he grabs my hand and helps me into the car. "You look beautiful Carlie. I hope you know this." He tells me as we settle into the car and start moving. I smile as I said "I'm marrying the man that loves me and my girls as much as Alex did. I'd say it's a pretty good day." Joe kisses my forehead before I put my head on his shoulder and enjoy the rest of the ride.

When we arrive at the venue in Scottsdale Joe looks at me and asks "Are you ready?" I nod and smile as he grabs my hand, and opens the car door. He helps me out of the car, and leads me inside. The wedding venue is outside at this beautiful country club in Scottsdale but we had to walk through the building inside in order to get to the venue. As we walked through the building I saw employees of the country club in the corner of my eye smiling knowing as to what is about to happen. I smile as we kept walking and as we arrived at the door right outside the venue Joe stopped and asked "Are you ready?" I smiled and nodded before Joe gave the nod the man who were going to open the doors for us. I took a deep breath as the doors opened giving me a view of Cody and everyone else. I smiled as Joe started walking with me. I see Cody tear up as we get closer to him. "I love you." I mouthed to him. When we reached the end of the aisle the pastor asked Joe "Who gives this Woman to be married to this man?" Joe smiles and takes a quick glance at me before looking back at the pastor and saying "I do sir. Joseph Lee Burrow, her brother in place for our father." I smile as Joe sits down and I walk in front of my bridesmaids and Cody. I take Cody's hands in mine as he let's his last tear fall, and laughs out of nervousness. When the both of us calmed down and everyone was quiet the pastor started speaking. "Thank you all for attending today as we join the hands of Cody James  and Carlie Madison Burrow Verdugo in an imperfectly perfect union. The bride and groom have found love at last. They will never have to go on a first date again. Today they seal that deal as they enter into the most coveted bond of husband and wife." As we listen to the pastor I steal a quick glance at Cody who was staring at me smiling, and in tears. The pastor continues speaking as he says "There is nothing greater in this world than finding the people with whom we feel safe, secure, and most ourselves. We search to find the person most accepting of our flaws; even the ones we try not to show until at least the 5th date. We search to find the person most encouraging of our dreams; even those crazy, impulsive ones that never get off the ground. But most of all, we search to find the person who loves us so unconditionally we simply can't do anything but believe it. Cody and Carlie believe in their love today as do all of us who have gathered to witness their marriage. As they go forth into the next great chapter of life, they do so with confidence knowing that their search has come to a fruitful end.To help us get this ceremony started, I'd like to start with a reading selected by the couple." I smiled up at Cody as the pastor starts reading the passage. "He's not perfect. You aren't either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn't going to quote poetry, he's not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don't hurt him, don't change him, and don't expect for more than he can give. Don't analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he's not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don't exist, but there's always one guy that is perfect for you." I took a deep breath as we got ready for the I do's. As the pastor starts speaking Cody squeezed my hands. "Cody, Please repeat after me. I, Cody James Bellinger take you, Carlie Madison Burrow Berdugo to be my wife. In the good times and bad, there is no one I'd rather have by my side. You have made my future seem like more than just a dream. I will be your sidekick in all adventures. I promise to never stop playing with you. I will be there to make you laugh when you really want to cry. I will love you as my best friend, lover, and partner in crime. I'm in it for life. Cody smiles before saying " I, Cody James take you, Carlie Madison Burrow Verdugo to be my wife. In the good times and bad, there is no one I'd rather have by my side. You have made my future seem like more than just a dream. I will be your sidekick in all adventures. I promise to never stop playing with you. I will be there to make you laugh when you really want to cry. I will love you as my best friend, lover, and partner in crime. I'm in it for life." I start to let tears fall as the pastor says "Please repeat after me. I, Carlie Madison Burrow Verdugo take you, Cody James Bellinger to be my husband. In the good times and bad, there is no one I'd rather have by my side. You have made my future seem like more than just a dream. I will be your sidekick in all adventures. I promise to never stop playing with you. I will be there to make you laugh when you really want to cry. I will love you as my best friend, lover, and partner in crime. I'm in it for life." I let out a shaky breath and let a tear fall as I said "I, Carlie Madison Burrow Verdugo take you, Cody James Bellinger to be my husband. In the good times and bad, there is no one I'd rather have by my side. You have made my future seem like more than just a dream. I will be your sidekick in all adventures. I promise to never stop playing with you. I will be there to make you laugh when you really want to cry. I will love you as my best friend, lover, and partner in crime. I'm in it for life." As we got the rings handed to us we placed them on each other before the pastor says "The ring is symbolic of a lasting commitment. It does not break. It may bend, however, but then you'd want to see your jeweler. As you place the ring on your partner's finger, please think about the unwavering faith in your relationship that has brought to this point today." After we put the rings on each other we waited knowing what was coming next. The pastor smiled and said "Well there's no turning back now! By the power vested in me by the state of Arizona, I now pronounce you spiritually and legally united. You may kiss!" Next thing I knew Cody was kissing me and dipping me. I held onto him for dear life as I kissed back. When he brought me back up he lifted me up and put me over his shoulder. I chuckled as Cody walked us down the aisle.

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