Chapter 7- Supernatural

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3 months later

Hope- Can i move with aunt Caroline


Hope-Aunt Bonnie

Klaus- No

Hope- Fine can i move into mom's old apartment across the street

Klaus- No

Freya- He's saying if we have to deal with Henrick crying then so do you

Hope-Not fair I don't ever want kids

Elena- He is a week old give it time he'll grow on you

Hope- Ok
Caroline- I'm bored

Katherine- So what

Caroline- I wasn't talking to you

Bonnie- Go to the school and do something if you are so bored teach a class find a new student just because your boyfriend is on a trip does not mean anything

Hayley- Henrick is sleep and the guys are gone we can do something

Caroline- Really sure

Hayley- Elena is also sleep so you have to be quiet she is cranky from all your calls about her wedding

Rebekah- Your still bugging her i thought she wrote everything down\

Caroline- it has to be pefect

Hope- No it doesn't she said small remember family and Few friends only


Caroline- Mikaelson siblings Hope Hayley Keelin No exes allowed point blank my rule Me you Lizzie Josie Enzo Tyler Jeremy Liv Marcel Alaric and Sage thats it we told Elijah he wasn't allowed to bring Katherine to the wedding or reception i can't deal with her drama

Katherine- My drama who haven't you been with you little slut i helped you by turning you

Caroline- You were trying to use me for he sacrafice that was why you needed me you needed a vampire and he used jenna you took her aunt away Damon gave you vervain but you didn't care

Katherine- Your right i didn't because i do what i have to so i survive

Freya- What the hell are y'all yammering about

Hayley- I'm just reading them piss eachother off until he wakes up

Stefan- What is wrong with you people

Bonnie- Says the ripper

Kai- You still on the bunny diet Stefan or are you eating Bambi now

Stefan- Didn't you murder your entire family

Kai- Not entire Liv, Luke and Josette survived until i killed her at her wedding and killed Luke with the merge and Liv died to save Tyler after i made him almost die my father i was responsible for

Caroline- Psycopath Liv is back because Elena brought her back you are insane you just admitted to being the cause of your family dying you are the reason my kids don't have their biological mother someone to teach them what they are and their history i hate you

Kai- I am the reason you are a mother

Caroline- No i am the reason i am a mother because i decided that since they had no one i was going to be their and they were going to be my children so go jump off a cliff and land in the depths of hell fire

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