Chapter 2

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 I continue thinking of a way to get out of this awful situation, why can't everyone understand that not everyone wants a mate, ok not literally I do want a mate but definitely not like this, maybe in a different and better situation like accidentally in a coffee shop, or in a mall or movie theatre or even a party but definitely not like this. Not on a hunt where you are treated like a piece of meat, where they mark you with or without your consent, sometimes I wanna cry at that thought. What if my mate is an alcoholic bastard, or abusive, I shudder at that thought. I would do anything just to avoid the hunt. I have heard in other regions of America they hold an annual ball dance party every year so that people or in our case other werewolves can find their mates, this idea is so enticing and definitely better than ours why can't our packs think like them, why are we treated like this.

  Suddenly I hear a twig snap behind me but I didn't react on impulse because instantly I recognize his scent moving towards me, I don't move as my brother sits next to me, and jab his elbow in my ribs with little pressure to make his annoying presence known to me.

  "Hey Rinnie, what's eating you?

  He has been calling me Rinnie since we were little. When we were learning to talk he couldn't pronounce my name so he used to call me Riv or Rin. When we got older he decided to call me 'Rinnie' would be a great addition to the line of his awful nicknames that he has given me. After my wolf, my brother is the one who have always supported me I can't say he completely understands me but he is everything a brother should be or maybe sometimes more than that. Me and my brother are poles apart, I have short temper but he has none. He is more of a laid back type, with a cool attitude towards everything. He is good at masking his emotions but I am certainly not in fact I am extremely stubborn and hot headed.

  I shrugged at his question and don't look as I speak, " I just don't get it why can't we wait for our mates in the cabins? Or even I don't know, our own packs. Why does it have to be like this primitive hunt? It's.......It's stupid. I states whining, because I can only behave like this in front of my brother and not my pack members at least because of me being Alpha's daughter.

  "Rinnie, it's tradition. We have been doing this for centuries and it's a way for the packs to come together."

  "I don't care! If the moon goddess really wanted mates to be together, don't you think we wouldn't need everyone to come to one spot? Don't you think we should just let it happen by fate? And also because this is something happening from ancient times doesn't mean this is the right way, time has changed, people and their behaviors change, their beliefs change, their methods can change too if they want to."

  "We can't always depend on our fate, sometimes I think it's better to take matters in your own hands. Besides we men do like a good hunt even if it's the hunt for our mates." He says with a palyful wink.

  I huff at his childish remark.

  "Why no one ask women about what they want? You men like to hunt your mates but do you all really care whether she wants to be a part of it. You already know how dangerous it is. Last year two females were raped during the gathering by their own mates but everyone just shrugged it off like it was nothing even the elders didn't said anything, what are you gonna do if my mate is like that, absolutely nothing. Even if you want to,dad or the elders won't let you so please..... they all will turn with a blind eye."

  I don't wait for his reply as I stood up and walked back home. This is frustrating. I feel him reach for me to say something to make me understand but I continued moving, what's the point when I don't have the right to choose. He would say the same thing he always does about how the moon goddess left it to fate before and mates weren't able to find each other. As a result, the offspring of the random werewolf couple "not meant to be" pairings were weaker and more likely to become a rogue.

  I know he cares for me and my parents do too, but I can't just sit by and let my whole life be decided sorry the correct word would be 'dictated' on the basis of some ridiculous hunt. As I make my way home I know what's waiting for me, the same words again, the same lecture and the same drama, but I let my mind wonder on if I'll even find my mate this year. Even if he does come to the gathering, I will do everything in my power to make sure he doesn't find me. Over the years I have learned how to mask my scent or confuse someone by leading them in wrong direction, I am gonna give him a strong fight that's for sure.

  You just wait "My so called future mate" I will not submit to you that easily.

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