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Third person's pov

After about a month of practicing and preparing hard,one of the most important days comes.Music Video shooting.

As we all know,our Kim Yongsun is a workaholic.No need to mention that she does her best as always.

After filming enough for Solarsido and MMMTV with two cameras,

Solar immediately pick up her phone while waiting for the staffs setting up the studio to finish.

There is no way Moon Byul Yi is not there and does not notice the older's move.

The thing Byul dislike most is not the older's attention on her phone.It is the smile Yongsun is wearing while reading texts.

"onnie .....Don't use phone.
I'm bored..Let's play around.
Come on.."

The younger said while playing with Yongsun's another free hand.

"No...I don't want...I am waiting for director to call me"

The older take her hand back to type and reply without moving her eyes on phone.

"then follow me outside for a while"

Moonbyul said softly but the older just ignore as she thinks the younger is messing with her again.

give me back now"

The younger took Solar's phone in her hand and stand up,getting ready to run if the older chase her.

"then follow me!"

Moonbyul said excitedly but her mood changes immediately when she sees the older is glaring at her.

"Byul-ah....don't play around in work-time...I need to work properly to go home early too.If you're bored,then why don't you play with someone else..I am not the only one here..."

It kind of hurts the younger's feelings when Solar said those words with her serious face in low tone.

Byul hand the older's phone to a staff beside her before she walks away somewhere.

Everyone in the studio can tell that she is upset only by looking at the way she walks.

Yongsun sigh heavily while looking at the younger's back.She now feels bad for what she did to the younger.

When she thinks about this situation,the younger is here only to cheer her up after all.

"Yongsun!! let't start now"
The driector said.

"Yongsun...there is teokbokki truck outside"

Manager onnie said Solar who just come out after fixing makeup for next scene.

She look back the manager with confused eyes,
wondering whose teokbokki truck it is and why it is here.

"Byul bought it for your shooting today.."

The older is happy but she feels more guilty when she hears what the manager said.

She finally figure out the reason why the younger is telling her to go outside with her.

"Where is she now?"

Yongsun asked while looking around the studio but she can't see the younger.

"There....sitting with staffs"

Yongsun look at the place where the manager point.

She see the younger is frowning and the atmosphere between her and staffs beside her seems really awkward.

"Is she still sulky?"

Solar asked while looking at the younger sitting with crossed arms on her chest.

"I guess so..."

Manager said before Yongsun walks straight toward the younger.


The older call her name but the hamster look up once and land her eyes on the floor back.


Yong try to steal attention with her aegyo again while shaking lightly the younger's shoulder.

Do you think Byul can stand this?


Moonbyul said bluntly.The older smile as she find cute that Byul is forcing herself to be mad.

"I was wrong...I shouldn't say harshly to you....I am sorry..it's my bad.Can you forgive me now??"

Yongsun lean closer to the younger face and show off her aegyo to get the answer she wants.


The younger stare at the older acting cute in front of her and somehow,she knows she is losing.But she can't handle it.

"alright...stop acting cute then...You're the worst"

The older chukles and pull Moonbyul's hand to go outside together.

For the younger,this sence becomes slow motion like she has seen in the romantic movies for several times.

The last thing she saw before she jump into her own little world is the older's hand which is grabing hers tightly.

Yong who is always looking straight to the mountains slowly turn her head toward the younger who never gets tired to gaze at her.

The younger feels thousands of butterflies in her stomach when she sees both the edges of the older's lips curve to the upward.

She swear that this smile is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen in her whole life.This smile is priceless.

"Byul-ah....Byul....Moonbyul shi..."

She jolts when she feels someone hit her arm.

"What are you thinking?I am calling you"

Moonbyul fluster for a moment and she notice they are in front of the teokbokki truck.

"I used a lot of money Yongsun shi...."

Moonbyul said the older who is now interesting the menu,acting like she doesn't hear what the younger said.

"woah....There is fish cake too....Thank you but you have to pay me for copying...
Moonbyulida...Can you stop copying others?..really"

The younger chukles while looking up the truck name.

"seriously....I used a lot of money.....No birthday present next year Yongsun shi.."

As soon as she hears the younger's last sentence,she gives the teokbokki cup in her hand back to the younger.

Well,at least,Yongsun is wise.

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