⑱+ 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡

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a/n: you fuck natasha lol, that's pretty much it. i wrote this like two years ago so idk how good it is but whatever (the dirty talk is horrible, deal with it). also, that 18+ thingy is literally just there so you can tell it's smut lmao
warnings: use of strap-on, slight bdsm, strong language, degradation...tell me if I'm missing anything ig

A sweet smile forms on Natasha's lips when you grab her arm as she tries to walk by. You furrow your eyebrows angrily, your green eyes burning furiously as you pull her close.

"What were you doing?", you ask quietly, your voice stern and dark.

The smile slowly fades and her facial expression grows to be more insecure and confused. "Why?", she mumbles with a quiet voice.

You point at the dress she's wearing - black, tight and accenting her curves perfectly. The neckline shows enough cleavage to leave you thirsty, but not enough to make her look slutty. Your mouth is watering by just looking at her.

"You look like this and don't even bother to show your girlfriend? I taught you better, sweetheart."

Natasha finally realizes what you're doing. She smirks smugly and tugs you into the corner of the common room. A quick glance to your right shows you that Steve and Bruce are occupied with talking and aren't even pay attention to you - thankfully. You look at the redhead again, biting your lower lip.

She takes your hand and guides it to her chest, where she presses it down right on her boob. You feel her nipple poke through the thin fabric and smile.

"Better now, babe?", she whispers.

"Much better." You lean closer, burying your face in her hair to inhale her scent. Rose water and Chanel N°5, as basically always. By now you are so used to the smell that you could recognize it everywhere. "God. Where were you headed to, by the way?"

"Nowhere. I came back from a meeting with Tony."

"My dad? Why?", you ask, softly nibbling on the spot underneath her ear. She giggles and wraps her arms around your waist to pull you closer.

"It was nothing important." Her index finger traces your collarbone as her breath starts to get uneven. Knowing what that usually means, you grab her wrist and seconds later you're in your room. You slam the door shut and turn around to push her onto the bed.

She squeals and you shut her up by taking her full lips into a sensual kiss. A content sigh escapes her.

"Did you drink vodka?", you mumble against her lips.

"Mhm, a bit." Her tongue dips into your mouth and you savor her sweet taste. Her taste is intoxicating and it doesn't take long until the make-out gets heated in a messy way. Nat has her legs around your waist and your hands are in her hair, clinging onto her desperately. She moans as you push your leg up, your knee bumping against her center.

You let your hand slide under her dress and lift it, gaining access to her clit. Her lace panties are basically soaked as you touch her. "So wet already?", you rasp, your other hand around her neck now. She lets out a whimper when you lightly rub over her sensitive spot. "You're such a slut, Romanoff. Aren't you, hm? Just waiting for me to fuck you until you can't move. What's the safe word, honey?"

"It's 'teddy'...please.", she pants, her pupils dilated. You softly kiss her chest before getting more rough again.

"Please what?" You choke her for a second. "Tell me, котенок." /kitten/

"Fuck me.", she whimpers. "And...use your strap."

"Oh, you want the strap tonight?", you smirk as you remove the dress from her body. Then you get up and unbuckle your belt, pulling it out of your pants in a swift motion to wrap its end around your hand. You let it slap against her thigh and watch it leave a red mark.

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