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It's been 3 months that Jung Eunji is working in the company. Now janhavi and Suga are super best friends. They are very close. They both love each other but do not confess due to fear of losing each other. Eunji is friends with all the members and so is janhavi. Taehyung and eunji are best friends too, it's like they share the same brain cells, aliens. Rm is quite matured and takes care of her every now and then.


"I'll do anything you want but please let's take her with us" I pleaded to Bang Pd, I've never pleaded to anyone else till now. "Can you let go your sleep to complete your tune?" Bang Pd said, what but that song was to be made afterwards why is he asking now? "But that song is to be made later, I can do it then" I said, "you trouble me every time when you make tunes and write song simultaneously so I want it done before that day" he said, "can you?" He continued, but...my sleep....." Yes, I'll do it" I said sternly. Fuck sleep I want her to come that's it I'll do anything now. "Great then go work" he said and left. I went to my workplace and started to make a tune for our new upcoming song. I worked from day to night for 2 days without texting her... actually I did not see my phone or talked to anyone for 2 days. I ate, slept a little etc etc in my workplace itself. "Hushhh finally done" I said stretching my arms. I got up from my chair. I took my phone and saw it was laying on the floor dead, I kept my phone to charge and went to the members to tell them about the new tune.


I was still checking my phone...no reply, how come he did not reply it's been 3 hours. Every time I send a text he always replies within minutes rather than minutes seconds...but today he left me on seen. "Must be really busy today I'll talk to him tomorrow". I went home and found eunji did not return. "Umm if she is not home yet then there must be a lot of work in Hybe". I did my routine and laid on my bed. I was laying for past 3 hours, it's almost midnight now. There isn't a single text from Suga and no sign of eunji too. I couldn't sleep, I was worried. I got up immediately and dialed eunji's number....beep beep beep....."Hello...." she answered, "where the fuck are you! do you even understand how risky it is outside...just tell me where the fuck are you I'll come to pick you up!", I yelled. She did not even take her car with her today, was going to catch a bus this late or was planning to run from office till here. "Nonono don't pick me up, I'm with namjoon so don't worry" she said and ended the call. Okay fine if he is with her then it's okay. I went and sat on the couch as I was tensed. The door creaked open. I stood up immediately, "eunji-yaa..." I went running to her. I immediately hugged her tightly and idk when tears fell from my eyes. "Hey why are you crying, you know that I am straight right" she said trying to make me laugh. "Yahh shut up" I hit her playfully. "Why are you coming so late" I asked her. "Well there is a lot of work at office, why what happened?" She asked. "it's that.....see... don't think I am being too attached to someone....but today the whole day Suga did not text me at all and left me on seen and I ......" I said while crying while she interrupted me, "janhavi are you crying because of that, girl Suga is busy with some work and has locked himself don't worry, he is making a tune" she said while patting my back. "What! he locked himself and is making a tune..." I said, "oops I was supposed to be a confidential matter" she said while smiling guiltily. Yes it's his habit to lock himself while making a tune hush I am now relieved that he is not ignoring me or something. "I thought I was being too clingy and that he didn't liked it" I said, "what clingy?" eunji asked confused. "Wait did you hear what I said just now?" I asked, "umm..yea" she replied, fuck I was supposed to say this in my head, "ohh nothing you know I just....um.... thought he wanted to break our friendship" I said, "your habit of overthinking, don't do this it hurts you, now come lets go to sleep I have to go early tomorrow, it's a busy day too" she said while walking to her room and she stopped near her door, "and yaa don't think he wants to break this friendship he actually adores you very much so chill and sleep now", she said and went.

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