Part 21 : Together

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"Does she really have to go," Naruto begs to know, looking at Kakashi with worried eyes. "We haven't even gotten a chance to talk," he finishes.

"You know the rules, Naruto-kun," Kakashi answers. "As far as timing goes the earlier the better and you have to stay here for the next four days anyway. Might as well be now."

From beside Kakashi, Karin says, "it's okay, Naruto. It'll be fine." She then gives Sakura and Sasuke a short bow before departing. Arms crossed, Sasuke is brooding against the wall of the hallway and she has to try hard not staring at his beautifully stoic face. She grabs her cousin's forearm comfortingly before adding, "I'll see you once the second test concludes," then exits through the door behind them.

Sakura is standing beside Naruto as the blond asks Kakashi, "why do we even have to stay here if we already passed," Naruto asks and before they can tell him again, he answers his question. "Yeah, yeah, to avoid interference between the villages-"

"Or get manipulated emotionally, physically, or financially," Sakura adds.

Watching his sole family in the world leave, Naruto can't help but yell, "this still sucks!"

"Noted," Kakashi casually comments before informing his team, "remember, aside from physical conditioning, no training. All competitors are monitored heavily to avoid setting up traps or other forms of advantage which also means this is the best place to spy on the competition."

'I guess I wouldn't need to spy since I have Naru-nii,' Naruto thinks as he glumly watches Kakashi leave to take Karin to her interrogation.

"She'll be fine," Sakura reassures Naruto, though her presence and voice without the violence and survival to distract him, reminds him of the hollowness of what should've been a magical night and the resulting agony in his heart. Turning to her teammates, Sakura proposes with an upbeat tone, "why don't we have breakfast together?"

Though it's surprising to Naruto that Sakura would want him to join her and Sasuke, Sasuke's reaction isn't. After glaring at Naruto, Sasuke leaves without a word, engulfing the pair in painfully awkward silence.

Their night together rushes quickly to the forefront of their minds hurting and exciting them both at the same time, and though they won't speak about it, Sakura can vividly recall every moment and sensation as well as Naruto can. With their memories arresting their voices, the teammates slowly make their painfully silent way toward the cafeteria. Upon entering the large room, Ino rushes up to them, loudly bidding them a good morning.

Desperate, Naruto hastily asks, "do you want to have breakfast with us?"

"Or she could have it with her team," an irate Sakura suggests, glaring at Ino.

Ino simply smiles serenely and tells Naruto, "how about we have lunch together instead? I actually need to talk to Forehead," she tells him with a sweet smile.

Though content to see Ino—especially with how weird Sakura is making him feel—Naruto grows confused by the kunoichi's relationship when Sakura quickly asserts, "well, I don't want to talk to you," because Ino doesn't seem upset at all. The blond simply grabs Sakura's hand and begins dragging her away as she repeatedly states, "it's okay, it's okay, it'll be quick." Though Sakura resists, it's weightless as Ino succeeds in dragging the pinkette away, calling out behind her, "see you later, Naruto!"

Fortunately, Naruto spots Gaara's siblings in the cafeteria as well. With trays in their hands, Kankurō and Temari are exiting the large room. They each have two trays of breakfast and on his sprint toward them, Naruto can make out Nai-chan's favorite section of food groups; kale, broccoli, with beans, berries, cantaloupe, and seaweed.

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