Chapter Ten - Surprise

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Hi! So, this one is going to be an interesting chapter. I think you guys are either going to love it or scream at me for doing this to Scorpius again. I haven't quite figured that out. But anyway, enjoy!


Scorpius watched the clouds, sighing out in contentment as the sun began to reach it's apex. It was almost midday, meaning the boys were probably almost done. They'd have to start leaving soon. But a scratching sound caught Scorpius by surprise. He turned his head to see Albus looking at the book James and Lily had gotten him. Scorpius raised an eyebrow before seeing the wooden box had contained graphite, charcoal, pencils and other art supplies.

Scorpius was surprised to say the least. He'd never pictured Albus as the type to be interested in art. Albus had listened to a lot of music, and Scorpius figured he might've been more interested in a profession in that, but he'd never imagined Albus liking other forms of art. Drawing didn't really seem like his type of thing. 

Scorpius tried to see what exactly it was Albus was drawing, but he couldn't get a glimpse. Until a light bulb turned on in his mind. It was obvious but Scorpius thought it might work.

"What you doing?" Scorpius asked. "Writing about how much you hate your parents?"

Albus flushed red and opened his mouth before closing it. He looked around the room before coming up with a reply, "No," he smiled with obvious nervousness. "I was just um, writing a list. That's right! A list of things that need to be done before Halloween."

"What's on the list?" Scorpius smirked.

"Uh...," Albus gulped. "Recipes and, other spooky stuff. Like, you know what I mean."

"I don't think I do," Scorpius snatched the book and Albus quickly jumped to take it back. "Whatever you've got in here must be embarrassing if this is how you react!"

Albus tried to take it back but Scorpius held it out of his reach somehow, despite being way shorter. Eventually Scorpius managed to hold Albus away so that he could look. He was surprised by what he saw and blushed a little. Albus had been sketching him. And in such close detail Scorpius was shocked Albus had managed to do that himself. 

Scorpius turned to find a look of pure panic on Albus' face. Scorpius couldn't understand why Albus would be so embarrassed, it was really good. It was much better than anything Scorpius could do at least. He'd mastered the art of cursive but gave up on anything after that. Terrible motor skills and all.

"Albus where did you learn to draw this good?" Scorpius smiled in an attempt to reassure Albus.

"Um -" Albus cut himself off by gulping. "I found a few videos and, I just figured it out from there."

"Well it's really good," Scorpius returned the book to Albus, who was still blushing a little. "Just don't abandon me when you become the next Picasso."

Albus chuckled, "I wouldn't dream of it," Albus looked down, still red. "Thank you for the compliments. But it's really not that good."

"Of course it is!" Scorpius didn't like that Albus was talking himself down. He did it much to often. "You got every detail! Down to each individual strand of hair!"

"Scorpius don't exaggerate," Albus shook his head. "There is no possible way I did that."

"Okay, maybe that was a hyperbole -"

"A what?" Albus interrupted.

"A hyperbole," Scorpius explained. "An over exaggeration of the truth. It's usually used when talking about literary devices, however it can be used in real life situations when the word exaggeration doesn't quite fit how disproportionate a phrase was to the truth."

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