I'm confused

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I'm confused.

Help me.

You know that feeling that you want to kill that person for getting your hopes up?

One minute, you're laughing and hanging out with me. Being such an idiot, I think that we're back to the way it was before. I thought that you're mine again.

The other minute, you're hugging and kissing her. Putting my hopes down. Again.

Should I be that selfish person? Or should I be the kind one who's ready to sacrifice her everything?

I want to be that selfish person.

I only care about myself.

Because no one else would.

Because no one else will help me out.

But a part of me wants to make them happy.

Dear best friend,

Remember, don't let him fall, take care of him. Everytime you hold his hand, be careful, remember that you're holding my world and my everything.

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