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how could they hate each other

when they were all they had left?

ZIRA SHAN has been reported Missing In Action for nine years.  

OPTING TO STAY IN THE SHADOWS ever since her alleged death, Zira chose to fall to the path of hate and suffering and became the very thing the Jedi swore to destroy.  Years later, the newly apprenticed assassin to Count Dooku of Sereno held no regard or fondness for her previous life and teachings. However, after discovering her Master's betrayal, the former Sith Acolyte deserted from the Separatists, choosing the path of freedom as her crimson red blade continued to slaughter millions in order to survive.

IT ALL CHANGES when she learns Anakin Skywalker has acquired a Jedi Padawan. It was the only chance of revenge Zira would have, and she ensured it would not go to waste. Zira Shan knew the risks of her mission but vowed it would be the last time blood stained her hands.

BUT ONCE CONSUMED BY THE DARK SIDE, forever will it dominate one's destiny. 

AS SHE NAVIGATES the treacherous paths of love and friendship, Zira begins there's more to every side of the story. This is a tale of two teenagers, one a beacon of light and the other rotten with darkness, who fell to two terms that should never be paired: love and hate.

TO GET REVENGE, Ahsoka Tano must fall. And in doing so, destroying Zira Shan's last chance at redemption. 

IT WOULD HAVE BEEN EASY had the Sith Acolyte not fallen in love.


Jessie Mei Li as

Zira Shan

Zira Shan

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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