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Chis Evans' Saturday night was just a regular Saturday night while away for work: he called Scott to talk to Dodger, went for a quick run before eating in the hotel restaurant. He watched the couple sitting next to him celebrate something and grew a bit jealous. All he wanted in life to find the right person, settle down, and have kids. Chris just never met the right person.

After finishing his meal, the lonely star went back to his room to get ready for his busy day of shooting in the morning. Normally he would at least explore the city a little but he wasn't in the mood to explore the beautiful Big Easy tonight. Before the elevator doors closed a pair of newlyweds game in and were giggling in the corner. Evans tried to hide as to not draw attention to himself but the couple was too entranced with each other to notice that there was someone else in the elevator.

When the now suffocating metal box reached his floor, Chris exited and walked to his room wondering when he would ever have what they had. He kicked his shoes off as soon as his hotel door closed behind him and got ready for bed. Once he got in bed, he decided to watch tv and just let the noise of the city ease him into slumber. But before he could close his eyes, he saw a light streak across the night sky. 'A shooting star' he thought. Chris closed his eyes and made a wish.

"I wish I could be normal and find the love of my life," he whispered before finally going to sleep.

At midnight the sky exploded with light. The entire city of New Orleans went quiet for just a second then roared back to life as if being rebooted. Little did the actor know that his innocent wish full of love and hope had come true but has also brought a twist.

Chris woke up to his alarm blaring at six in the morning for his call time at seven-thirty. He has awoken with a new cheery disposition than when he went to bed. Chris had a feeling that today was going to be a great day. He was about to call Scott to talk to Dodge and his brother but decided to take a shower first cause he knew he would be on that call for a while.

After his shower, Chris put on simple jeans and a t-shirt then grabbed his wallet and phone to head to set. The bipolar southern weather had subsided and left a nice cool day, causing the actor to decide to walk the few blocks to set. While on his walk Chris noticed that he was actually relaxed. There were no people with cameras following him nor fans stopping him for a picture. He chalked it up to people still being hungover from their night on Bourbon Street. Chris then remembered that he still has to call Scott. He took out his phone and pressed on his brother's name in his contacts and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello," Scott answered in a confused tone.

"Hey man, I just called to say good morning to Dodge. Did I wake you," Chris asked hoping that he didn't? He sometimes forgot that not everyone is on his sleep schedule.

"Who is this," Scott replied.

Chis laughed thinking that this was one of his brother's pranks or that he had woken his brother up and he was so fresh from sleep that he was confused. "Scott it's me. Are you hungover?" Chris asked as he stopped at a crosswalk.

"Hi me but I still don't know who this is. How did you get this number? You can't just call me to talk to my dog," Scott said in a slightly irritated tone.

Chris really thought that his brother was milking this prank. Which was fine. "Scott already very funny it's Chris. Your brother. Now can I talk to MY dog before I head on set?"

"Look I don't know who this is but I don't have a brother. Don't call here again," Scott said before hanging up.

Chis looked at his phone after his brother hung up just to make sure he called the right person. He decided against calling him again just to check up on him partly because he wanted to wait till he had a lunch break in hopes that Scott would give up on this prank and partly because he was at his filming location.

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