The Woman

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"Bye Tara!!" i said as i left Skink Academy. I walk home everyday, i live roughly 6 blocks away. One of my dads' would pick me up considering all the creeps that live in our neighborhood, but they both work late so im left to myself.

As i walk through the door of our 3 story, 5 bedroom house, my dog lacy runs at me barking and jumping from excitement.

"Ok lacy let's go outside so you can go potty"

As i take lacy outside i see a woman in a car parked across the street just staring at me, i get a little wierded out so i call to lacy to come inside but she won't listen. Then all of a sudden the woman puts her car in drive and speeds off. It was wierd. I take lacy inside and let her eat while i get my history homework out and start to work on it.

- 1 hour later-

I wake up to the slam of a door, my dads must be home. I lift my head off of my history book and see a big puddle of drool on page 113. Ugh, my history teacher Mr. Stevens is going to kill me. I decide to leave the book set open to dry out and walk away from the table. I walk through the kitchen into the living room to see the front door is open.

"You guys left the door open!" I yell to my dads who are probably upstairs.

I walk over and shut the door and lock it. I didn't hear a response from either of my dads, that's a little weird I thought. I slowly start walking over to the stairs when lacy starts barking hysterically. She's standing at the top of the stairs that lead to the basement. Ok now that's weird. I walk over to lacy and pick her up so she calms down. By this time I know that my dads aren't home and I'm almost positive that someone's in the house. I slowly look around and walk over to the table to grab my cell phone. As I unlock the screen to call 911 lacy starts barking and I feel something hard hit my head, I'm falling, I hit the floor, I see a woman, wait wasn't she the woman in the car earlier? I scream for my dads, the woman's hand covers my mouth and I'm hit in the head again, was that a rock? Everything starts to go black, I'm fading, I try to stay, to fight, but sleep sounds so good, I fall into the blackness almost positive ill be sleeping forever.

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