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The Beast unlocks a desk cabinet. In it, resting on velvet, its golden-tinted blue amulet faintly glimmering with magic, covered in a thick layer of dust. "Another little "gift" from the Enchantress..."

The Beast cracks blows on the amulet to reveal an antique world. No countries. Just land and sea. "Something that truly allows you to escape."

Pacifica moves closer to find the seemingly drawing is alive.Waves lap the beaches, and green trees sway in invisible wind. "How amazing. . ." She says barely above a whisper in amazement.

"It was her cruelest trick of all. The outside world has no place for a creature like me. But it can for you." He says turning to her with a slight smile. He offers his hand and Pacifica takes it. He gently moves her hand to the amulet. "Think of the place you've most wanted to see. First, see it in your mind's eye. Now feel it in your heart."

Pacifica nods. This isn't a difficult decision. The moment her hand touches the amulet, she feels as if she enters it, spinning through celestial flares, which seem to blur and recombine. Then Pacifica and him see, the lights of Paris. They stand in a windmill in Montmartre.

"Where did you take us?" Dipper questions, looking around.

"Paris." She answers, not looking at him.

The Beast looks out the window to see the glittering lights. "Oh, I love Paris. What would you like to see first? Notre Dame? The Champs Elysees? Nah, too touristy?"

After a few moments of her not answering, he turns to see her blue eyes brimming with tears. "It's so much smaller than I imagined."

The Beast watches Pacifica walk through her childhood home. . .the artist's garret that Preston recreated in his signature music box. Abandoned years ago, the room is crumbling. Pacifica finds the remains of her father's easel. A tarnishedwall mirror. Her own broken crib. Pacifica notices something tucked into a corner of the crib. She pries it loose, for It to a baby's rattle carved into the shape of a rose. Dipper focuses on it.

"What happened to your mother?" He asks, a little hesitantly.

"That's the only story my father could neverbring himself to tell. And I knew better than to ask."

As she speaks, Dipper notices something on a chair. The dark, pointed mask of a plague doctor and he looks up. "Plague."

The revelation lands on Pacifica's face and she stares at the rattle. Dipper suddenly feels his heart sink to his stomach, and he looks at Pacifica with sadness and regret. "I am sorry I ever called your father a thief."

Pacifica lifts her head, her wet eyes look at him. "Let's go home." When he hears this, his heart skips a beat when he realizes she means the castle. He smiles slightly and takes her hand, nodding. 

Meanwhile, at the village tavern, Garrison and Cody stand side by side. "Wow, this is some storm. At least we're not tied to a tree in the middle of nowhere, right? You know it's not too late, we could just go get him... " Garrison says looking at Cody.

Cody doesn't respond. He just has an emotionless face. It's just, every time I close my eyes, I picture Preston stranded out there. And then when I open them, he's--"

Suddenly the cabin doors swing open to reveal Preston with Daniel and Robbie Corduroy. Garrison has a smile appear on his face. "Preston!" and when he realizes he shouldn't be this happy, his smile drops.

Cody has a cold face as him and Preston lock eyes. Then, Daniel speaks. "Cody, did you try and kill Preston?"

Just when Garrison thought Cody might start a fight or deny, Cody smiles warmly. "Preston! Oh thank heavens. I've spent the last five days trying to find you."

Suddenly, everyone shift their gaze to Preston. "No! you tried to kill me! you left me for the wolves!"

Cody puts on a shocked look. "Preston, it's one thing to rave about your delusions. It's another thing to accuse me of attempted murder."

Cody's argument lands. The gentle Preston feels the room slipping away from him. Robbie looks over at him. "Preston, do you have any proof of what you're saying?"

"Ask this woman! Willamina! she rescued me. " He says and everyone turns the light blue headed woman.

Before she could speak, Cody says, "Willamina? You'd hang your accusation on the testimony of a filthy hag?" He then turns to her. "No offense." She raises a brow but says nothing.

"Garrison! he was there. He saw it all!"

". . .Me?" Garrison asks pointing his finger to his chest.

Cody slowly steps over to Garrison. "You're right. Don't take my word for it." He puts his arm around Garrison and pulls him close. "Garrison, my dearest companion, did I, your oldest friend and most loyal compatriot, try and kill the father of the only woman I have ever loved?"

All eyes turn to Garrison, who is clearly torn. "It's a complicated question on a number of accounts, but. . . no. No, he did not."

The crowd reacts. Preston is crestfallen, realizing Cody has won. Preston lunges at Cody, who catches his flying fist easily, subduing him. "Preston, it pains me to say this, butyou've become a danger to yourself andothers. No wonder Pacifica ran away. You need help, sir. A place to heal your troubled mind."

Cody signals to Robbie, Daniel, and Garrison, and Preston turns to see them block the exit. Cody then places his hand on Prestons shoulder, laughing lowly to where only Preston could hear him. "Everything is going to be fine. . ."

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