The first night.

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Suddenly it hit Claire what was happening. She was in a car travelling home with Owen and a little girl who had nobody but them. Was she even capable of taking care of a young girl? What the hell is the situation with her and Owen? They kissed but did that mean anything? This morning Claire woke up with no one, tonight she was travelling home which could only be described as a dysfunctional family? It was too much for her to take in, was she dreaming? She looked over towards Owen, who looked back at her and gave her a smile which instantly put her at ease. She swore this man had powers over her, he was her safety. Even though she hated to admit it, she wouldn't want to be in the car with anyone else. Owen placed his hand on Claire's thigh which sent a shiver down her spine. She lay her hand on-top of his and relaxed back in her chair for the first time since the journey began...

Maisie was sat in the back seat, taking everything in about these two almost strangers. So far she was pretty sure that she had figured they weren't just friends, somewhat of a couple? They both had very deep, emotional feelings for each other, and she also figured that they were genuinely really sweet, caring people. How many other adults would have just took care of a 9 year old girl without any thought? Maisie could sense that both Owen and Claire were extremely tired and exhausted hence the silence. She could tell it wasn't an awkward silence, just a silence because everybody was absolutely destroyed from the days activities. However, Maisie couldn't take it anymore- she had to break the silence..

'Thank you so much for taking me with you' the girl said almost in a whisper, looking down at her knee's.

Claire looked around her shoulder and gave the girl a soft but reassuring smile. 'No worries sweetie, we're happy to have you with us' Claire said turning back towards the front of the car.

'Where are we going?' Maisie asked clearly sounding extremely shy and sounding nervous as she didn't want to ask anything she wasn't supposed to.

'We're heading into the city to my apartment' Claire said turning back towards the girl who clearly looked upset. 'Hey Maisie, are you okay lovely?' Claire asked feeling deeply sorry for the young girl.

Maisie looked up from her knees straight into Claire's green eyes, Maisie's eyes had filled up with crocodile tears but soon went when she made eye contact with Claire. 'I'm okay it's just been a crazy day' Maisie answered her voice slightly trembling. Claire was about to answer until Maisie asked 'Where am I going to have to go now that my grandfather or Iris are no longer here' tears began trickling down Maisie's face whilst she looked back down at her knees to try and cover up the fact she was crying, however Claire had already noticed.

Without hesitation, Claire took of her seatbelt and climbed over into the back seat and sat next to Maisie. After Claire had put her seatbelt on she wrapped her arm around Maisie and Maisie leaned into Claire's chest. 'Don't worry lovely, we'll figure something out. If you want, you can stay with us forever' Claire said rubbing the girls head. Maisie looked up at Claire's face with puffy eyes and a red nose and quietly said 'you don't want me forever, I'm nothing but a burden'. Claire's eyes immediately shot wide open in shock that this is how this sweet girl thought about herself. 'Maisie hunny, your not a burden sweetie, your a very special little girl. Always remember that.. I'm not letting you go anywhere so you have no choice but to stay with me' Claire winked at the little girl. This made Maisie chuckle and she tucked her head back into Claire's head.

Owen was listening to every single word that got exchanged between the girls. The thing that caught his ear the most was when Claire said to Maisie you can stay with us forever. Was her reference to us regarding himself and her. Was Claire wanting to spend forever with Owen too. The thought of this brought a small smirk onto Owens face. A few minutes later he looked in his rear view mirror to see both girls fast asleep. Maisie cuddled up to Claire and Claire's head leaning on Maisie's head. All he could do was smile.. he had a feeling this was his forever.

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