Chapter I

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The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes
because that is the doorway to her heart
the place where love resides

Many would think that having been born as the Prince of the Lucis Kingdom meant a life of luxury and freedom. However it wasn't as great as others made it out to be. It was often, boring, dull and very stressful. Being a Prince meant having major responsibilities and leaving good impressions to others within and outside the kingdom; especially if he was the last heir to the Caelum Dynasty.

A low sigh could be heard from the young Prince. Noctis wasn't fond of celebrations, nor did he like attending such occasions. But for being the son of King Regis, it was crucial to take part. That being said, this particular celebration was indeed very important; it was the young Prince's birthday.

The guests of the party were all the upper class of the Lucis Kingdom. Noble families and politicians all gathered and mingled among themselves as they celebrated the birthday of the young Prince. Noctis stood away from the crowd, wearing a bored expression on his face. He'd never even met half of them before, yet every single one of them knew his name. It was hard being a member of royalty. No matter where he may be, even if it were somewhere far away from the Kingdom, there was bound to be someone who'd recognise his face. Even now, despite the party being a masquerade ball, many still knew who he was, even though he was hiding behind his mask.

"Oi Noct!" called out a cheery voice, which could be heard clearly over the loud chatter of the other guest.

Noctis rose his head and instantly spotted his friend Prompto coming towards him. He too had a mask on. However, his blonde hair instantly gave away his identity. His attire, being his usual casual vest, pants, and black boots, wasn't very fitting for the formal occasion.

The other guests gave the young blonde glares or annoyance for his inconsiderable behavior.

"What are you doing, standing here all by yourself?" Prompto asked, slinging an arm around Noctis' shoulder. The Prince grunted lightly from the sudden impact.

"What do want Prompto?" Noctis asked, adjusting the mask on his face.

"What? Aren't I allowed to talk to my best friend?" Prompto asked, pretending to sound hurt.

Noctis huffed in response.

"What's the point of attending these things if you're just gonna stand here!" Prompto exclaimed.

"I never wanted to attend in the first place."Noctis grumbled.

"C'mon Noct, lighten up. It's your birthday!" Prompto then twirled Noctis around, catching him by surprise. "Look around you, what do you see?" He asked.

Noctis, raised his brow. "I don't know. People?" He shrugged.

"Women!" The chirpy blonde breathed out, swiping his extended arm across. "Beautiful women, everywhere." a wide grin spread across his face.

What Prompto said was undeniably true. Even though their faces were hidden behind the masks , the young women present at the party were indeed very beautiful. Each and every one of them were clothed in exquisite gowns made from the finest materials money could buy.

"Hey, why don't you go say hi to them?" Prompto suddenly suggested.

Noctis chuckled lightly under his breath and shook his head. "No thanks, I'm good."

Prompto's grin grew wider. "Dude, they're looking at you." he said and threw a wolf whistle at the few who were looking towards their direction, causing them to giggle in response.

Eyes of the Beholder [Noctis Lucis Caelum Short Story]Where stories live. Discover now