Chapter 21 - The Ending :)

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Previously: The conversation ended there. Dipper's parents were rushing to the airport to get a ticket to Oregon. Mabel was alright and safe. Stanford was freaking out and staying at the Mystery Shack's basement. The town was worried for Mabel and planned to see how she was doing. Dipper sought comfort in his boyfriend's arms while staying by Mabel's side. The others at the hospital were, too, staying by Mabel's side. Police were being informed. And Bill was planning someone's fune- arrest.

3rd Person POV: Two Hours Later (Exact Time from California to Oregon)

A burst through the doors of the hospital room. Everyone immediately snaps their heads in the direction and saw two adults, a man and a woman, panting.

"Where're my children?!" The brown-haired woman shouted. She looked around the room for a split second before landing her eyes on Mabel, in a hospital bed with a blonde girl with her, and Dipper, holding hands with Bill. The women lounged forward and hugged the twins. The man repeating her actions.

"Mom! Dad!" The twins exclaimed and returned their parents' hug.

"We were so worried, Mabel! Mason was so vague in his phone call. What happened?!" Their mom looked over Mabel trying to find proof of injury.

"I'm fine, Mom!" Mabel complained. Then their mom lifted Mabel's arm and she winced.

"Oh, Mabel. What happened?" She carefully laid her arm back down. The twins looked at each other and back at their parents. It was quiet, no one made a sound.

"We need an explanation now." Their dad calmly demanded.

"I'll explain it to you, Max." Grunkle Stan answered. "How about we take this outside. There is a lot more to this story than what happened to Mabel." The parents nodded and followed Stanley outside, who closed the door for a more private talk.

"What's going to happen to Grunkle Ford?" Mabel asked as she looked at her brother.

"I don't know. There hasn't been any news of him yet so they haven't caught him." Dipper answered.

"Mabel," Bill said. As he got their attention with a mention of Mabel's real name, he continued, "I know you don't want to hear this but, it's better if the truth is said quickly. I don't know all meat-sack laws but he did try to kill me- well, you." He let out a sigh and sat on the edge of Mabel's bed. "He'll get arrested. I know he will. Whether it be now or, if he ran, later. He tried to hurt me and he hurt you. And there's a lot of evidence he did. I know he's your Great Uncle but he can't just pull a gun out in front of a crowd. I'm sorry for being blunt but you guys needed to know." He finished and the twins looked at each other. They hugged the other, a tight one at that.

"I was hoping it really wouldn't come to that," Mabel whispered.

"Me too," Dipper answered and let go of Mabel.

"It'll be alright dudes!" Soos exclaims, making the room gaze at him.

"Yeah! We have each other, dudes. Mr. Pines should have given Bill a chance." Wendy interjected. She walked over to the twins and hugged them. "Let's not dwell on that right now though. The adults can deal with them." Mabel and Dipper gave a short giggle.

"Anyway, a certain person," Bill coughs discreetly with the name 'Sixer' in between. "interrupted me from speaking to Mabel. So, shoo." He moves his hand up and down to signal everyone in the room to give the two space. Dipper kissed Bill on the cheek and walks out with Soos, Pacifica, and Wendy behind, waving.

"Stanford did what?!" A yell could be heard from nearby. The quartet looked around and saw Dipper's dad yelling at Stan.

"Dad?" Dipper questioned. Dipper's dad, Max, and mom, Isabella, looked in the direction of his voice. Their eyes softened at the sight. He quickly walked over to them. "You heard everything, right?"

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