𝙞𝙭. arrival

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        Against Alex's vehement denial, Steve stands on the front porch like a Centurian guarding their kingdom.  His hands are placed on his hips.  He stares down the blue Camaro that has pulled into the driveway.  Abby hovers just above the five teenagers as they press their foreheads against the window, watching the scene before them play out.  Abby notices that despite the calm, blank expression Alex wears, her knuckles turning white as she clutches the window sill tightly.  Abby doesn't say anything, she merely places a comforting hand on Alex's shoulder and gives it a squeeze, but the small action is enough to convey a comforting message to Alex.  

Abby purses her lips together as Billy steps out of his sleek blue Camaro.  A could of wiping smoke billows out of his lips as he removes the cigarette clamped between his lips.  He wears a black leather jacket and tight jeans.  He wears a smile, but it's not a kind one or a soft one, it's the kind that sends chills down your spine.  The kind of smile the killers in the movies wear before they bring down the knife.  Abby supposes that Billy is the killer in this scenario.  He's got a knife hidden on him somewhere, she only hopes that he doesn't have to reveal it and that they won't have to use a weapon of their own against him.

From what Max was able to tell them in the short time that they had before Billy had pulled into the Byers' driveway with his horrifying grin and rats-nest of a hairstyle that he's a terrible person.  She tells them that he's always angry, that he's violent, and he's not afraid to hurt anybody.  He's gotten into a lot of trouble in California, and she knows that he's the real reason why they relocated all the way across the country.  He's racist, she had frantically told them.  He had warned her to stay away from Lucas because "there are certain types of people in the world that you want to avoid".  If he catches them, they're doomed.  Abby had seen the fear that shines in Max's eyes when she warned them about Billy.  It's something that no kid should have to feel when they talk about their family.

Abby can barely make out his lips moving around the cigarette as he sheds his leather jacket to reveal a partially opened shirt.  Alex tenses and Abby notices her hand jump toward Max's beside her instinctively as Steve steps off of the porch and makes his way toward Billy, seemingly undaunted.  They watch, hearts hammering as Billy licks his lips before he turns his head and points in their direction with the lit end of their cigarette.  Abby feels her heart stop in her chest.

"Fuck!" Abby hisses as she drops to the ground while the five teens all slide down in a fickle attempt to hide from Billy.  They know that they were seconds too late, they know that Billy has seen them, but still, they cling onto the false hope that maybe he didn't see them.

✓ Adventures In Babysitting / Steve Harrington ¹Where stories live. Discover now