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"I got in!" sasha says excitedly to her parents. "holy shit i got in!"

she had just opened her acceptance letter to the school of her dreams, and she was to move into her dorm in a few weeks. she couldn't be happier. little did she know what the next few months would bring.


"136, 137, 138- ah, here it is, room 139!" sasha mumbles to herself as she looks for her dorm room. her first day didn't officially start until tomorrow, but she wanted to come early to have time to settle in.

she opens the door to see a black-haired girl in just her bra and underwear on top of some short, fully-exposed  blonde.

both girls glance over at her. "dude!" the dark haired girl yells.

her eye's can't help but wander before she slams the door shut. she stands there, eyes wide and face flustered.

the door suddenly opens behind her, and the blonde girl walks out, looking slightly embarrassed as she slides past her.

"who the fuck are you?" someone says.

sasha turns around to see the dark haired girl standing in front of her, her elbow resting on the door frame. she's wearing a matching black set, staring right at sasha. she hadn't bothered to get changed, unlike the other girl. sasha looks her up and down before blushing even harder.


"shit- sorry- i'm sasha braus.. i guess i'm your roomate.." she replies.

the girl sighs. "i'm mikasa ackerman." she opens the door wider, letting sasha come in. "you've really gotta knock next time"

sasha puts her stuff on the empty bed. "aren't you supposed to put a sock on the door or something?" she says as she starts to unpack. "not really my fault." she murmurs to herself.

"yeah, if i knew i had a roommate... you just came out of nowhere!" she says, clearly annoyed.

"damn sorry" sasha says, putting her hands up in the air. "shouldn't you been in class right now anyways?"

"not for another hour." mikasa says, sitting down on her bed. she's calmed down now for the most part now, back to her normal self.  "so have you taken the tour yet?"


"want me to show you?"

sasha whips her head around. "you'd do that?" she says cheerfully. "i kind of got the impression that you hated me."

"i just met you, i couldn't hate you." she says. "i just hate getting interrupted."

"yeah so about that-"

"you don't have to apologize, its fine"

"no, i was just going to ask if you two are together... like should I expect her to be over often?"

mikasa snorts. "annie leonhart? i couldn't date her. she's just.. a friend."

"you suree...?" sasha teases.

mikasa rolls her eyes. "yes, now do you want that tour or not?"

"yeah- but you might wanna put some clothes on first" sasha says, gesturing to mikasa's barley clothed self.

"good idea" mikasa says with a laugh.

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