Out of Luck

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Your day of recuperation had all gone according to plan.

You had managed to make time(after unpacking, of course) to practice speaking Japanese and also did some background research on the high school. It seemed that they had a stunning basketball team, or, at least that's what you noticed when you had viewed their streak of wins across the board.

You had also stumbled across the term "Generation of Miracles", and that peaked your interest since you have never heard of something similar to that when you were in the United States of America. However, you did not read into it since you weren't the biggest fan of basketball, and, in your personal opinion, it was sport that consisted of two team of players scrambling back and forth to shoot an orange and black striped ball into a hoop held in the air by a metal contraption.

Grabbing your [color] bookbag from the corner of your small bedroom, you exited the apartment and headed toward Rakuzan High to begin your first day as an American transfer student.


You never expected it to be this dazzling. The school seemed to shine, and all the students seemed to be perfect in either physical appearance or standing. You, to be perfectly honest, felt out of place in such a seemingly perfect school.

Releasing a sigh, you glanced at the white paper in your right hand that one of the staff members had given you. It contained your class schedule, teachers' names, and where your seat was, and, despite it all being in Japanese, you managed to read it with almost no mistakes.

Now, to get to your class without causing anyone to look over at you oddly. . .

Tightening your grip on your backpack, you weaved your way through the hallway and, eventually, reached the door to your first period class with little resistance. Now, came the tough part: walking in. That would also mean potentially standing up and introducing yourself to the entire class in japanese.

You refused to think about that right now, so you merely took a deep breath and decided to head straight into the classroom before you chickened out and ran back to your apartment to call in sick.

To your surprise, everyone seemed to be busy chatting with those around them and you took the first step into the room in a relaxed posture; however, your luck ran out as the bell rang to start the class. That left you standing a few inches from the door, and you were the only one out of your seat.

It did not help that the teacher called your name right at that moment either and politely asked you to introduce yourself to your fellow peers.

Silently inhaling another deep breath (this time through your nose), you headed toward the center of the front of the room where the teacher had gestured you to stand. Slowly, you turned to face your audience and your heart fluttered nervously in your chest, causing it to awaken the butterflies that had laid dormant in your stomach all this time.

"I am [last name], [first name]," you stated evenly in japanese, a bit surprised at how steady your voice came out to be opposed to how you truly felt inside. "I am from [state] of the United States of America." You bowed down to your peers as you concluded, "I hope that we can get along as long as I am here."

After that, your new teacher smiled at you and took that as your chance to flee from the front of the class to the back where your seat awaited you. However, in your flight to your new sanctuary, you did not notice someone gazing you.


The rest of your classes flew by till lunch arrived.

Honestly, you knew no one that attended the school yet (and doubted that you ever would) and felt the uncertainty of where you would sit bury deep inside of you. You usually had a small group of friends to share lunch with, or at least an acquaintance that did not mind you sitting with their group.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2015 ⏰

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