Saying what you think requires courage. Saying everything you think is being stupid. Silence is a wise voice.
Keep your feelings within you. Don't expose your most vulnerable side to anyone. Literally anyone.
A guy/girl you might be dreaming to spend forever with, might end up leaving you. You need to remember that forever is not forever. Forever is too short.
Don't expose your future plans to anyone. No one. Not even someone you trust. When someone asks me, I say, "I've not really decided". And trust me, it's worth the gossip they make about you.
You don't want to explain YOUR way of happiness to someone else who can forge your happines into their life with false beliefs.
Learn to have your own thing. Create your own space. Make your own plans.
(Okay so what do you wanna become in the future?😥😥😥 Wait chill I was joking. Love you 💕)