1. The First Day

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POV: Autumn

Walking into a huge Highschool with my bookbag and only knowing a few people was honestly scary.
I know it shouldn't be this scary but seeing so many people in one school wasn't as fun as people made it out to be. I'm from a small town so I've never really seen this many people in even one class. As I enter first period I dont see anyone I know. As I'm now awkwardly walking to a seat in the back I sit down and just keep low trying to get through it when I feel a tap on my shoulder. This beautiful girl is standing next to me and all I can do is stare. god why did I have to be in English IV with the seniors.

"Hey, can I sit here?" she says with the most beautiful smile on her face. She's wearing blue jeans with holes in them, a black jhonny cash shirt and a red flannel, black forces to bring it all together. This girl is screaming Bisexual.

"uh I- Yeah of course" I stutter, fuck why do i have to be so awkward with girls.

"So did you just transfer here? I dont remember you from last year." her voice is peppy but I can tell she has a country accent hinting in there trying so hard not to be known.

"uh, yeah and I'm a junior sorry im awkward, hi im Autumn Daniels." as I say this in my country accent feeling so out of place in this school. she smiles from ear to ear trying not to say anything about it,

"Oh so you smart" she says laughing. I wish I could hear her laugh all the time. "haha, yeah i guess. I didn't catch your name." she looks at me worried and says "Jade, Jade witting." she looks away fast like I was gonna say something mean. "well hi jade its nice to meet you, also just so you know now I'm- well i like girls im not really specified" I say this now so she doesn't learn from some conservitive ass and this will give her time to leave if she wants.

"Thats cool and take your time to figure it out, no need to rush" she is trying so hard not to smile from what I could only assume as she trying not to let it be known she already knew when she walked up.

Class Is over and I say bye to jade, her smile when she says it back is heavenly. I walk out heading straight for science trying to get away, as she catches up with some of her friends in the class. wait why didn't she sit with one of them? why did she sit with me? I'm going to be quetioning this all day.

The next few periods go by fast. I have the last lunch so 5th period i swear it couldn't go any slower. It's only 4th and I already wanna leave

POV: Jade

You don't see many juniors in an advanced class, but hey she must be pretty smart if she can keep up with us. I'm still in shock she told me she liked girls. Why would I leave if she's gay? well, I am too I'm just not as open as her. 4th period is going by so slow I can't wait for lunch, Wait what lunch did her schedule say? It was in the front pocket of her binder, I guess she's a little scared of forgetting where to go.

"God could he talk any slower?" luke says next to me, pulling me out of my daydreams. "yeah, I think he could so shut up," I say, he just rolls his eyes.

The bell rings and I'm off to 5th-period lunch. "Hey isn't that the junior?" luke says pointing. She's sitting with a couple of her friends I'm guessing.

"yep, that's her," I say as we sit at the end of the same table. The rule of the lunch table is you take the first open table and that's yours for the rest of the year. no one takes seats.

"she's super pretty" I say eventually catching myself staring.

"Yeah, but how do you know she likes girls?" luke is starting to stare. As I punch him in the arm, she starts walking over.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could sit with you guys?" she says standing now right in front of me. "Yeah of course sit but not next to luke he's being weird" I stare at him to knock it off.

"Hi Luke, I'm Autumn" she sits next to me smiling nervously. "Hey he's cool" I wink so she knows it's about that.

She glances over at me confused about why I did that but I just smiled "wanna go get food?" I say standing up "Yeah, of course" luke says without any hesitation. "Yeah, let's go" she's smiling like she has something else to say but doesn't. Oh well, I wonder if she knows? Nah there's no way. Well, she might know here comes Trent.

"Ha look guys it's the bisexual whore" Trent laughs with his friends. Luke jumps in front of me guarding him because the last time he said something I threw him a punch to the gut. Honestly, he's so skinny it's not very healthy. "What do you think you're gonna do?" Trent is now stepping closer to Luke like he's gonna fight him.

"Oh you wanna do this again?" luke says stepping even closer closing the cap they had

"We can either talk this out and go our separate ways, or we can let jade kick your ass again" Surprising to me Luke says this with a straight face like he wants to fight himself but can't because he knows he's on his last write up. "Or hear me out I kick your ass then I kick the the faggots ass. I like that way more" Trent smiles and stares at me then realizes it's not just the 2 of us today. "Ha jade is this your girlfriend?" Trent steps closer to her. I jump in front of her because I can see the fear in her eyes "You better back the fuck up Trent" I'm just gonna keep pushing her back getting further and further until he turns his attention to luke

"Hey, let's go" I'm now facing her, I didn't notice how beautiful her eyes were. "What- Who-- " I stop her from speaking more and drag her into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. "That was Trent he's a homophobic ass, I'm sorry about that." she steps closer to me and can only ask "why did he say those things about you? Are you--" I stop her again "Yes I like girls. Why do you think I was like that this morning" "I thought you were just being nice" she's stepping closer. She's definitely more dominant than you'd think from the shy quiet girl she presents. Then the bell rings right as she almost had me against the wall.

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