Ch. 4: Violence is Apparently the Answer

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~~~~~ 3rd Person POV ~~~~~

     "He can't get rid of me that easily," Yzma paces around ranting as Kronk balances a bust of Kuzco's head onto a pillar. "Who does that ungrateful little worm think he is?" Finally Yzma grabs a hammer and poses to smash the bust.

     "Does he... A little to the left." Kronk nudges the bust over with his hip and Yzma demolishes it before handing the hammer off to Kronk and walking off to rant some more.

     "...have any idea of who he's dealing with? How could he do this to me? Why, I practically raised him." Smash! And another bust of Kuzco was hammered into pieces. Kronk finally speaks up, "Yeah, you think he would've turned out better."

     "Yeah, go figure," Yzma replies as she hands the hammer back to Kronk again and walks off.

     "Well, it's better you're takin' out your anger on these things," motioning to the busts in his arms, "instead of the real Kuzco, huh?"

     With a gasp and a grin, Yzma turns back and grabs Kronk's shirt, saying "That's it, Kronk! That's it! I'll get rid of Kuzco." While she's laughing in joy from her "great" idea, Kronk asks, "The real Kuzco?"

     Pushing Kronk away, she replies "Of course the real Kuzco. Don't you see? It's perfect. With him out of the way and no heir to the throne, I'll take over and rule the empire. Brilliant!"

     "So how does that work with bein' fired and all?"

     "The only ones who know about that are the three of us, soon to be two of us."

     " And I'm one of those two, right?"

     "To the secret lab!"

*Bat signal transition*

     They dash to the door, where Yzma says, "Pull the lever, Kronk."

     And he does. Except it's the "Wrong lever!" *Splash*

     "Why do we even have that lever?" Yzma asks as she comes back, dripping wet and with a crocodile attached. After slapping it off, she pushes past Kronk and pulls the right lever, which throws them into a rollercoaster cart. As the bar lowers, a voice rings out saying "Please remain seated and keep your arms and legs in at all times." Then the ride starts, Kronk waving his arms in the air as Yzma sits unimpressed and disinterested at all the twists and turns. Finally, they make it to the lab, dressed in white lab coats and goggles. They high five and then run off into the lab.

     "Ah... How shall I do it? Oohh, I know. I'll turn him into a flea, a harmless little flea, and then I'll put that flea in a box, and then I'll put that box inside of another box, and then I'll mail that box to myself, and when it arrives... *Evil cackle* I'll smash it with a hammer! It's brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, I tell you! Genius, I say." She flings her arm, knocking over a beaker and killing a plant.

     After watching the plant die, she comes up with another idea. "Or, to save on postage, I'll just poison him with this." She holds up a larger beaker with a pink liquid inside and hands it to Kronk. "Take it, Kronk. Feel the power."

     "Oh, I can feel it."

     "Our moment of triumph approaches. *Another evil cackle* It's dinner time!"

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