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i felt really really tired after my day out, so i decided to stop at the spa section of the hotel. i was going towards the elevator but i saw jimin sitting over there. JIMIN?????

not to mention he is my friend, not so close one but we both go to the same university. i wonder what he was doing here, may be he was too out for a vacation. after thinking, i agreed to give him a small greeting. i walked closer to where he was sitting.

"hi jimin!" i said with moderate enthusiasm. he turned and his face expressions werent telling me he was shocked but he acted. 

"oh hi bae ro na! i am surprised we are meeting here, such a coincidence!"

"me too, l was just going towards elevator and i saw you, are you too here for vacation?"

"u-ughh yes, yes, who will not want to come here during holidays." he said with a bit of hesitation but i ignored, why would he come beacause of me? we are not that close it might be a co incidence. i shrugged all of the thoughts and bowed to him. 

now was my spa time. and tomorrow i had to do all the packing. again so tiring.


i felt so refreshed after having a spa session, i loved it. the view from my room is so nice, its really worth $5000. 


my thoughts were interupted by a phone call. i took my phone and saw the caller id-


finally he has time for me. i answered it.

" hhhheeellloooooooooooo" his voice screeched into my ears, he definitely was my sunshine.

"you could have spoken that normally you know."i said while laughing.

"how could i be normal after you have gone to hawai leaving me here to do the chores" we both laughed at the statement as if we didnt have a lot of maids and caretakers of our house.

"hmm i think you have sent all of them for holiday?"

" how could i, there is so much work here ro na,  once you come here then you will know, appa has not been feeling well so I have to take care of business for the time being. "

"what? Appa is not feeling well? How could you not tell me? "

"well,  that you were enjoying your vacation so i thought not to give you any stress. Once you come here, you will again have busy schedules."

"so, is there any problem in handling the business? Don't worry I will be there after tomorrow and take care of appa, okay? "

"i know rona, I have hired workers to take care of him. He has been given proper medication and healthy food as per doctor's consultation. "

"good, I guess."

"oppa i have something to ask you-

"so i think i should let you rest now so that you should not feel stressed. ooh what is it?"

"actually do you know some guy named namjoon?"

"what? no. idk know him."

"alright, why are you speaking so loud, geez"

"oh i didnt notice, sowwy."

"you dont need to be that cute." i laughed, he become baby from an annoying person.

"okayy, just sleep, okay? and come home quickly. i have lots of work for you."

"yes commander hoseok." 

we both laughed.



"huh" i sighed. i hope dad is okay. he is our everything. I started remembering your mother how she left us alone with our poor dad with somebody else. yes, our family first was poor, my father worked hard in a small company and my mother was a house wife.

Although our family was going through hardships but we were genuinely happy. We all shared everything between us until one day when our mon decided to go after a rich guy and leave us.

Thay day me and my brother cried the most. Our mother was so close to us and still she left us. We couldn't process that fact that she left us for a rich guy.

So from that day onwards our father decided to work hard, so hard that he would show our mother that he was capable too. And we are the third most richest family in korea. My father is the founder of 2 companies and CEO of one. Amazing, right?

I hope our mother got hurt like we got on that day.
I didnt realise tears were falling from my eyes.

I quickly wiped them off before getting too emotional and got to bed.

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