Drowning or Dreaming

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I looked all around me, but all I could see was darkness. Not one single light. I looked at what I thought was upwards, but I wasn't sure because I had fallen deep into this black sea. I was trying to swim upwards, getting the tiniest bit of what looked to be like moonlight. I swam and swam, looking
for a way to escape this terrible place. Just when I could see the top, I started to fall again. This time, I didn't even try to swim back up. All I could do is watch the moonlight slip father and farther away. I hit the bottom of this tretarous sea and woke up. My face was buried in my pillow and I was having difficulty breathing because my airways were blocked by the pillow. Maybe that's why I was practically drowning in my dream. I tried to fall back asleep.


This time, I was floating on a small boat in the same sea, but this time I was with someone. This time I wasn't scared or drowning. Instead I was peacefully taking in the cool night. I gazed all around me, my eyes skimming over the reflective water. My ears were occupied with the sound of small waves hitting up against the boat. The man was next to me again. I was cuddled tightly in his arms, unable to move because of the warmth and comfort he provided. I let my eyes wander up to meet with his. This was the very first time I had ever seen his face. The first thing I noticed was his eyes. Those eyes were the most beautiful things I have ever seen. They were a bright, yet calm blue. They shone even though it was dark out. Next, his soft pink lips that led me to his cute crooked nose. I saw the dimple in his chin and smiled thinking to myself that I was so lucky to have this boy. He looked down at me, a soft smile forming on his mouth.


The next part of this will be in the next chapter !!'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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