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Hey lovelies ,yeah ,here's the update. I know most of u want the place where we'll reach the climax and this will turn exciting but dw,it'll come soon. Consider this as an introductory chapter.

~~~~~The bedroom at the top~~~~



It wasn't long, not so long after Junki left when I  heard the door knob rattle.  Groaning inwardly, I quickly shut my eyelids, ready to feign sleeping. Dealing with Jin about the issues concerning my bond was enough.I was so not ready to put up with them.

The footsteps were light and almost unheard. I was wondering how its possible for the boys or one of them to be this quiet. Usually , they are noisy to the extent that if you are on the millionth floor, you can hear them all the way from the first floor.

The maknae line and Hoseok. No,lemme not exclude Jin himself.
Then I felt it, a humming sensation,one that brings relief and makes you feel like your whole world was whole again. It makes you feel completely, like someone that controls half of you is around.

I did not react, the light footsteps drew closer, then a voice I never knew I craved to hear till I heard sound. She was apologizing, I held on the act. If Taehyung was to be there , he would've been proud I could act as well.

I planned to silently listen to her but that didn't work because, next moment ,I felt a light touch, then fireworks erupted at the spot. My traitor hand quickly rose and grabbed the hand, the tingles became intense and she stiffened.

"Soo Hin"

I called and opened my eyes to meet hers. Her light brown eyes, somewhat gold orbs were wide like sorcers. The fear was so evident in her eyes, even when she called my name, it was out of panic. That moment, the wording had heard from the doctors rang in my head and suddenly,I had to find out. That was what I did, I asked her , at first,she looked ready to run to the extent that it almost made her trip. Me trying to help her made me move , erupting pain from my wounds.

She tried coming closer but I repeated the question, then after a long while, she asked if I would believe her after holding my hand to her chest. The surprise I felt when she touched me and the tingles were so intense, her reaction did not cross my notice.

It was one of the days I could watch her close and take in the details of her looks,it was the first time of me being at such close proximity with her and we aren't arguing. The Soo Hin I was seeing now is different. She did not look tough ....just normal. Seeing her cry, then suddenly, I did not care about the explanation. She was mine, my soulmate,I could never trade her despite anything that she does.
She was normal,being herself.

My hand went up to clean the tears that seeped from her shut eyes. Her eyelashes were long , the way the tear glided down her tender skin, it contributed to me touching her face.

She opened her eyes to stare into mine with an aghast look, then when I told her I believed her, she smiled. Her eyes zeroed on my face and I honestly did not know what she was staring at , looking so excited and shocked.

Then just like there is always something standing in the way, a loud ringing slice through the peace.

I had to grunt in annoyance,I couldn't help it .

I Feel Your Pain!(Min.Yoongi )Soulmate Au Where stories live. Discover now