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Just a side note, I wrote this for an English task until I was like, wait I can't use this for my class, so now I have written it for this website, because why not?

It was simple. When someone was pushed, they would fall.

That's why Denki was up on the roof that night, with short legs dangling off the edge, hair waving in the cold, gentle wind.

It was a very pretty sight to see, at least he thought it was, him planning it to be the last thing he did see. The clouds moving slowly in the sky, coloured with different purples, pinks, yellows, and oranges, painting the dying sunset.

Dying sunset, what a funny thought. Very fitting for what's about to happen.

Denki often wondered what it would be like to finally be up here, being pushed so much but always being pulled back by the very same people who caused him to lose his balance in the first place. In every class he hears the sayings, the nicknames, the slurs, and insults.
At home it's no better, just the same but worse, being the one to do everything perfectly and being punished when it wasn't good enough, only to be punished anyway as nothing he could do was good enough. But sometimes his parents weren't like that, his parents were nice, or he wouldn't hear a name calling in the halls, and it would give him hope. Hope that it would be better, hope that maybe they would change. He really was as stupid as they said he was to believe that.

They always let him down, pushed him down. But they always picked him back up. Leaving him on the edge just long enough for him to fall, only for him to be violently pulled back from being released from the cruelness of it. All in a never-ending cycle.

It was truly draining. He wanted it to end for so long, for them to finally leave him alone. But Denki never voiced any of that, always keeping his true thoughts to himself and slapping on a smile that said, everything is okay, and left everyone believing he was fine and happy with life. But he wasn't okay. He wanted people to notice that he wasn't alright, but they never did, letting him down once again.

He was sort of relived that nobody knew, but not at the same time.

It's not like anyone would care to notice anyway. Not his friends who call him dumb and stupid and say that he can't do anything right; but that's okay, because they were right, weren't they? Not his teachers who say he should work harder to do better, and pay attention in class, even though they promised to help him with his class work. Not his family, his parents who raised him, who vowed to protect him from the world, only to be the ones that put him in danger.

Denki's tried. He wants to go to sleep forever and never wake up. He wants to give up, to give into the words that take over his mind at any given moment. To let up to the pushes and shoves at his back, to the yelling and the whispers. He just wants it to all stop. And so that was his plan.

Denki looked around at the trees and their branches swishing in the wind, leaves floating downward.

'Denki? What are you doing up here?' A voice questioned.

Denki didn't have to turn around to see who it was. He could already tell who it would be.
He started to image what the voice looked like, purple hair and violet eyes, a tall body joining his picture with muscular arms and toned legs, the smooth deep voice interrupting his thoughts once again.


He finally turned locking eyes with the person straight away. He was right, it was Hitoshi Shinsou. His first and maybe only friend who was really nice to him and not make fun of him even as a joke or make side comments.

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