
96 3 27

1. no smunt thats for pms only

2. no power plays 

3. must be accepted 

4. no bulling other people 

5. ask permission for injury or death of another charecter

6. limit of Charecters you may enter is 3

7. all students must be active 

8. must tag atlest 5 people here 

9. minimum of 2 lines per reply 

10. must ask permission to start a rp

11. must have a motive for being a villain

12. pass is the andwser to these math questions

4 x 9 

7-2 x 8

8-5+7 x 6

13. i highly recomend you use epic music for this rp

14. you may have a pet but no cats or dogs 

15. you cannot bring you pet to class

16. if you break these rules more than once you will be added to the banned list

17. the banned list: 

18. No venting in the school (made  for @RDX9116 )

We can be heroes Acadmey: (WCBH RP)Where stories live. Discover now