Appledusk gets banished

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*This starts after Appledusk apologies and is in Appledusks perspective*

I sigh,"I never have felt this sorry, sad, and angry before all at the same time too. I've betrayed my clan and Reedshine. My kits are dead, I only ever saw them once and they lost their precious lives, because their mother thought it was a good idea to make them cross a river. Not even that a flooding river! Mapleshade the cat I once loved." I think as Darkstar thinks quietly as she's flicking her tail.

Reedshine walks up to me,"I want to talk about this later, but I know for you to stay in the clan you need me to stay by your side." she whispers. I nod in agreement

"The loss of these kits is a loss of all the clans.,"Darkstar states,"But, I've also come to a conclusion. Appledusk from this moment forward you are banished from Riverclan." Darkstar says Reedshine and Perchpaw let out an enraged and confused yowl. Everyother Riverclan cat yowls their agreements. Mapleshade looks like she could care less, as I stand there feeling my world falling apart. Darkstar holds her tail up for silence.

"But Darkstar, don't we need strong warriors? You always say how we need strong warriors." Reedshine points out trying to get unbanished

"We need both strong AND loyal warriors in Riverclan." Darkstar says authoritatively

"But Appledusk is-" Perchpaw starts

"Perchpaw don't defend me, I don't want you to drag your young life down with me." I say interrupting my apprentice, praying to Starclan he'll listen

"What about me?" asks Mapleshade concerned for herself

Darkstar looks at her,"For you, get out of Riverclan now. You can leave with him." she says flicking her tail at me.

"But... but why?!" Mapleshade asks engraged

"Three reasons, one, you just nearly drowned and can barely swim, making you dead weight for my clan. Two, we're on bad terms with Thunderclan and it won't make the relationship any better, in fact worse that we took in their banished traitor. Three, why should I banish an actually useful traitor and exchange him for a useless one.,"Darkstar explains,"Now get out kindly before me and my warriors make you leave." she snarls

I immediately started walking towards the exit.

"Appledusk, wait for me!," Reedshine calls, running up to me,"I want to come with you."

"Reedshine you can't come with me." I say licking her cheek

"But why? We know I'm not with kits." she asks

"I know but I want you to stay safe and to take care of Perchpaw." I mew sternly but still loving

"Ok, but please stay safe." she says pressing herself against me

"Hurry up!" hisses Hookclaw

"Bye Appledusk!" mews a sad Perchpaw

"Goodbye my love."she whispers and gives me a lick and leaves to go stand by Perchpaw

"If I didn't need strong and loyal warriors, Reedshine, you would've been banished too. We'll be watching you closely." Darkstar growls

"I understand Darkstar." Reedshine says

"Darkstar please take care of Reedshine and Perchpaw for me." I mew

She gives me a glare that could freeze the river even in the hottest days of Greenleaf,"Appledusk I shall take care of them, but you better know it's because of my clan not you." she growls

"Thank you Darkstar.," I say, dipping my head to her,"I know you could've given me a more severe punishment."

"Believe me Appledusk I would have TOO both you and Mapleshade if you haven't lost your kits. Greyfin escorts them to the border." Darkstar says officiously

"Yes Darkstar." Greyfin says

I wave my tail to Perchpaw and Reedshine as I leave.

*A bit later*

Greyfin escorts us to the border, the one that borders none of the other clans luckily.

"We better not catch you two on Riverclan territory anymore or we won't be as friendly as before." Greyfin growls

"It's weird, strange, and sad to know this is my life now as an outcast who can never go back to my clan, Reedshine, or Perchpaw." I think as Greyfin walks off

A moment later I feel claws contact against my face. The claws came from the angry she-cat known as Mapleshade, her front right paw has my blood on it.

"What was that for!?" I snap feeling the blood pouring down my face

"That's what you get for not defending me and treating me worse than prey foxheart!" she hisses

"I didn't defend you, because you killed our kits! I didn't defend you, because it would be selfish defending you!" I snarl

"How is it selfish defending me foxheart!?" she hisses enraged

"What's more selfish? Defending a cat who just got our kits killed or apologizing to my clan and Reedshine and telling the truth, because I agree and have come to terms that our relationship is wrong and against the code!" I snap

"You're nothing but a liar, you said you loved me and I didn't kill the kits!" she hisses, her claws sheathing and unsheathing in anger

"Mapleshade look I do love you, but not in the way I did before, I changed, I only love you as a friend.," I sigh,"But you saying that you didn't kill our kits is the only lie I see! You're the one who thought it was a good idea to make the kits cross the river in the flood! I even told you earlier this morning not to bring the kits.. by.. the..river." At the end my voice starts to stutter, the emotions I tried to hold back were about to overflow, my kits are gone. I only ever saw them once, there precious lives gone

"You know what, I don't care anymore, just kill me Appledusk I know you want too. Life isn't worth living anymore, I've lost everything." Mapleshade says in a woe is me voice and if you don't feel sympathy for me you're a foxheart

I chuckle,"Mapleshade, don't act like you know what I'm thinking. You know I could never kill another cat and I've also lost everything Mapleshade, stop acting like you're the only one with problems." I respond annoyed

"Then what about Birchface!" she hisses smirking through her once beautiful but now malicious grin

That catches me off guard, I can barely breathe. The guilt and memories from that day come rushing back, how I just stood there frozen in shock as the handsome tom Birchface fell into the water, his apprentice Flowerpaw jumping in after him

"Stop it me! It was an accident you know that I never meant to kill Birchface!," I think to myself,"Mapleshade you know I never meant to kill him." I say trying to keep my emotions in check

"You know what, I don't care foxheart! I'm leaving!" she huffs walking across the border swishing her tail

"You can't do that." I point out

"I don't care, I'm going to Thunderclan anyway foxheart!" she snarls back

"I should stop her, she could get hurt or worse get killed!,"I think panicking,"Wait, no me she needs to learn that actions have consequences and besides she deserves whatever happens to her for what she did.,"I think turning around and walking towards my new life away from my clan forever,"Reedshine, Perchpaw, Riverclan I'll miss you. Starclan I pray dearly to you that nice cat takes care of my dead kits up there.

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