Part 3 - texting

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{Hana Yua's POV}
'Finally!school has now ended!' you Thinked. You were excited to chill on your bed but you were thinking of hanging out with the 4 friends I just made. "hey guys-" you were cut off by a boys voice "Sakura yua. Come to the principals office with me." Oh shit, it's the principal,But why the fuck would the bullys report on her when they were the ones on fault?

{Sakura Yua's POV}
"Sakura yua. Come to the principals office with me" the principal said. I sighed "oka-" "wait!!" A voice had cut me off "There's been a misunderstanding!it was the three's fault that they almost beated me up!so please don't take my sister away from me!!" it was my little sister Hana. She said with a bow. "Are you sure? They said she was the one who started it." The principal said.

Pardon?so they fucking lied huh?. Well....I could beat they're asses up if they lie again.

"It wasn't sakura-san who started it. It was the three boys for grabbing Hana-sans collar when we were walking in the halls. I could say that Touko,Yoshiteru and Sumihiko had witnessed it too." Kanata said. Sigh. You were thankful there were witnesses there. "mhm, we did witness it." The other three said.
"Oh. I guess they should be the one who's getting suspended. You guys can head home now,sorry for the interruption."he said, he went back inside the school.(idk if this really had these in Japan or america cuz I'm a fellow Filipino)
{Hana Yua's POV}
'that was easy.' You thinked "ahem! As I was saying!can we have a hangou....Ah....Ah...." "Oh? Something wrong?" Touko asked "Achoo!" You sneezed
{Yoshiteru agatsuma's Pov}
"Achoo!" Hana-chan said. 'that was adorable.' "well this is a rare moment,I haven't seen my little sister sneeze!" Sakura Said. Patting Hana-chan's shoulder "Yeah."
{Hana Yua's POV}
You cleared your throat "as I was saying! Can me and Nee-san get your numbers?" You said "ah! Sure!"~ Yoshiteru said, Touko looks at him with a blank expression.

After we got they're numbers we said our goodbyes and went to our own home, after arriving in the entrance of our home you yelled out "Mom!Dad! We're home!!" Saying it in a happy way "Welcome back dears! How was school?" Mom said "it was amazing, Hana made friends aswell." Sakura Said "Yep!" You squeaked "must be happy to have some friends,do you have any crush on one of your friends?" Mom said in a teasing voice, your face turned bright red like a tomato. "Mom!!" You yelled. All your mom did was giggle and said "sorry dear" with a closed eyed smile "hmhp." You said pouting your cheeks, "also Hana." Your sister said, you looked at her confused. "Hm?" You hummed. You then saw her hand grab something in her bag and it was a yakosoku no Neverland manga. Your eyes sparkle, she then hand it over to you
"here, I've seen you watch the promised neverland so I Decided to buy something from it, so here" she said smiling, then you have her an unexpected tight hug "Thank you so much Nee-san!!" You said, she hugged back aswell and patted my head,smiling "there there"
It's been an hour since we got home, while I was reading the manga of yakosoku no Neverland.
[4 new messages]
"Oh? I don't remember going into Group chats." You picked up your phone and opened it.
✨ Sumihikos idiotic Gc ✨
Sumihiko has added 2 people
To the chat

Who did you add here sumihiko?

added Hana and Sakura 😃✋

Flower shortie is now

{Flower shortie}
Uhhmmm..what happened
To my name?

Cold cherry blossom person
Is now Online

{Cold cherry blossom person}
What the fuck happened to my name?



{Flower shortie}
Sorry about my sister (・∀・)

It's okay Hana-chan (✿^‿^)

{Flower shortie}
Also Sumihiko pls change my name

Alr wait

Sumihiko has changed
Flower shortie's name to Hana

Sumihiko has changed cold cherry blossm person to Sakura

Thanks QwQ

Iz no problem

Sakura has changed Sumihiko's name to I'm a gay dumbass

{I'm a gay dumbass}




(๑'•.̫ • '๑) Eheh

{I'm a gay dumbass}

{Genshin impact}

Paimon has joined

Who summoned me?

{I'm a gay dumbass}

Aye emergency food get bak to your own world

Nee-san that's mean (๑'•.̫ • '๑)

HEY!I'm not an emergency food!!!

Your going into my pot now.


Sorry for ze cliffhanger everyone,so sorry for not updating I just have no idea,also I'm making a story where is readers go to the demon slayer world •v• I've been inspired by every story's I have read where the reader goes to the demon slayer world,there's so many I have read so,
Idk wat the chapter is gonna be when Yoshiteru confesses his wove to Hana do pardon me (๑'•.̫ • '๑)
855 words

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