Chapter Six

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When I woke up, I had a mean hangover, making me groan and fall back against my white pillows. I could barely remember last night, but I could definetely remember Harry. His hands, his kiss, his touch. I chuckled, putting my hands over my face. This was crazy. I was definetely sick of this feeling though, and I banned myself from attending anymore parties for a while. I looked at my phone, and I had a message from Talia, and surprisingly one from Jake. I read his first and rolled my eyes at the content.

Do you want to go out tonight?

I didn't understand Jake. He has had the most beatiful girl to graduate our year level crush on him since she was in year 7, and he completely ignored her, and made her feel like shit when he knew. He knew that she liked him, in fact everyone did. I didn't like the fact that he never did anything about it, even tell her he didn't feel the same way. I would never be that person. 

I have work tonight

It was true, I did have work and when I looked at the time, I groaned. It wouldn't be too long before I had to get ready. I only had two hours until my six hour shift that started at 4:00. I got out of bed, and wondered into the kitchen. Aunty Kim wasn't home once again, and I frowned as I poured myself a glass of water. Even though she was my only family now, it felt so lonely living here. She was never home, and I wasn't going to stop her from living. I smiled at the thought of finally going to college. I am studying to become a nurse. It has always been what I've wanted to do, and I couldn't wait to start a new chapter of my life. I hoped that by the time I start, I would have saved up enough money from my job to move into my own little apartment. I couldn't depend on Aunty Kim forever.

After an hour of talking to Talia while watching TV, I knew I should get reayd for work. I took a refreshing shower, put on my black skirt and white shirt, and put my hair in a messy bun. I walked slowly to my car, dreading having to deal with annoying customers and my annoying boss, Dereck. When I saw Ronan, the chef arriving to work the same time as me, I grinned at him. He had always been my favourite worker. 

"Morning Lily." He sang and I giggled as we walked to the back locker rooms together. "How are you?" I shurgged, taking my jacket it off and shoving it into a random locker, along with my bag. I trusted no one would steal any of my stuff. "I'm fine." Before Ronan would reply, Dereck burst into the room, directing his harsh glare on me. "Can you stop chit chatting and start your shift, please?" He asked me rudely, and I smirked at Ronan as he walked off, before I clocked on and followed after him.

I had been working for three hours, and it was nearing 7:30, when I saw Talia. I wasn't so surprised because she always came and visited me at work, but I was surprised to see Niall behind her. She spotted me and grinned, leaving Niall and running over to where I was serving. I quickly finished, and grinned back at her.

"Table for two?" I asked smugly, and she rolled her eyes. 

"Four, actually." Niall spoke from behind her and I raised my eyebrows,"A double date?" I asked with a chuckle, before leading them to a four seat table in the corner. As they sat, I took my notepad out. "Do you want to come to a party tonight?" Talia beemed and I groaned. 

"Not another one. I think I'll pass." She laughed at this, and crossed her arms across her chest sulkily. "Anyway, would you guys like to order any drinks first?" Before they could answer, there was voices behind us, and Niall waved someone over. I turned around and flushed, Harry walking straight over here. A tall blonde girl followed after him, and I couldn't help the glare that came over me and directed it at Harry. Was he serious? 

She pushed past me, taking a seat opposite Talia with a huge smile on her face. "Hey guys." She spoke, her voice all high and too pitchy. harry brushed past me next, his hand sliding across my lower back, dangerously close to my ass. I slapped his hand harshly when no one was looking. He did his greetings, and I eventually cleared my throat, now ready to just take their order and leave. Ronan would come looking for me soon.

"Oh, Lily, you remember Harry?" Niall asked me, and I couldn't tell if his smile was genuine or not. I couldn't figure out if Harry had told him about us. I doubted it.

"Yeah, sure." I said with a fake smile. "Anyway, what can I get you guys?" After I took their order, and discreetly rolled my eyes at Harry so only he could see, I headed into the kitchen to find Ronan. 

"What's wrong now?" He laughed and I smirked. "Shut up, nothing's wrong." 

"Sure." He said, before I put the order into the computer. "Lily!" Dereck called, and I quickly rushed back to serve. I gave another girl Talia's table. I wasn't in the mood to deal with Harry and his model. I wasn't jealous. It just annoys me that he comes into my work place with another girl, having a double date with my best friend. He sickens me. 

I felt like they stayed all night, too and so when they finally left and Talia came over to say bye, it was already 8:30, and I only had half an hour to go on my shift. I waved goodbye to Niall who stood by the door, but I couldn't see Harry anywhere. He was probably off having sex with that girl. I hope he does, and I hope he has a shit time. I slammed the stupid glasses I was carrying into the sink, and continued the rest of my shift with a bright smile on my face. 

I sighed as I trudged my jacket on. I was so tired, and seriously not in the mood to deal with anyone. I like working because it gave me the independence I needed, but god was it tiring. I hurried along to my car in the cold weather, but stopped when I saw a figure leaning against it. From the way his body slouced over, I knew it was Harry, his tall body making him unable to hold himself up properly. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him and he started to walk over to me once he heard my voice. I didn't stop for him, i continued walking to my car. "Am I not allowed to be here?" He asked me, and I unlocked my car, shoving my bag into the back seat. 

"I don't really care what you do." I said, reaching for my handle, but he grabbed my wrist bringing my body towards him. "What?" I growled, and he looked at me darkly.

"Don't talk to me like that. Why are you so mad? Is it because of that girl?" He asked me, and I took my hand away from his grip.

"I'm not mad!" I said loudly, my breathing hard. He glared back at me and I groaned, grabbing his shirt and kissing him. He respronded straight away, pushing me roughly against the car making me gasp. 

"Mm, make that sound again." He whispered leethely sexy into my ear, making me giggle, as his lips trailed down my neck, and onto the corner of my sharp collar bone. His hands went under my top, making more goosebumps rise onto my already cold skin. When his hands lifted up my skirt, I pulled away, looking around. "Not here, Harry."

"There's no one around!" He argued, but I rolled my eyes, pushing him away and putting my skirt back down. "No! This is my work place, how embarssing would it be if someone saw us?" 

"Fine, let's go back to that party?" He asked, but I felt like yawning. I was over parties, for this week atleast.

"No, I'm way too tired." 

"Fine." He said sulkily, and I opened my car door. "For the record, I didn't do anything with that girl, nor have I ever." 

I got into my car, rolling down my window so I could speak to him. "I wouldn't care either way." I lied and he raised his eyebrows like he didn't believe me. He shouldn't. "Have fun at your party." I smirked, before starting my car and driving away. 

When I got home, the kitchen light was on and I smiled when I smelt food. 

"Lily, hunny, I'm in the kitchen!" My Aunty Kim called, and I took my shoes off at the door before walking in. She beamed at me, and I smiled back. "What's cooking?" I asked, walking over to the pot she was stiring at peeping inside. "Uh uh!," She pushed me away,"It's not ready yet." I sulked, walking over to a stool. "How was work?" She asked me, and I thought about Harry's little visit when I had finished. "Was it that good?" She laughed, and I realised I was smiling to myself. I flushed, looking down.

"Oh, no sorry I was thinking about something funny. Um, work was good." I told her, and she was staring at me, a small smile on her face. "You seem happier." She said, and I blinked, wrapping my fingers around the necklace tucked beneath my shirt. "It's getting easier." I told her honestly, but I didn't tell her it might be because of Harry. 

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