Chapter One : Only on Good Days

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Hogwarts always felt simple to Narcissa, like a place where she had control unlike her home life. Upon looking at her you would expect her to have it all, the blonde hair, striking gray eyes. Everything on her down to her shoes had been put together as if with perfect grace and poise. Narcissa Black had to be nothing short of perfection, if not for herself, but for her family.

' Did you see that? He was staring at you. '  

Narcissa wasn't paying much attention to her friend, having found herself in a daze, enjoying the warm weather. She knew exactly who Emma was talking about, who had been staring at her and it wasn't too much of a surprise anymore. Lucius Malfoy. People looked up to him as if he was a god, someone they could look at but would burst into flames if they dare got too close. Her disinterest seemed to egg him on, him believing it was a cat and mouse game until she finally gave in. And eventually she would have to, her parents demanded it.

'Are you sure he wasn't looking at you? You are practically glowing in this sunlight.'  She can't help but grin up at her friend.   'But isn't he meant to marry you?'   

After a moment of pause she had pushed herself up to brush herself off, hands moving to smooth down her hair. 'Enough talk about boys. They are nothing but trouble and often find themselves in situations where they need a womans help to get out.'

With that, she looped her arm into her friends arm, a hum of content escaping as she brushed blonde tresses from her friends face. 'Perfect. Can't be seen walking around with someone unkempt.' She teased, but there had always been some kind of truth to it, always needing those she kept around her to be prim and proper. 'You have Quidditch practice I presume. Let me walk you to the pitch.'


Narcissa took a moment to say goodbye to her friend, a good luck and a quick kiss to the cheek before she had turned to leave. A quick turn of her heel had her put into a situation that she wasn't ready to assess but she handled it with enough grace possible. Before her, four boys, all different in their own way but one in particular had seemed to pull her in a little more. Long dark hair, gray hues, that signature smirk that she had known all too well -- Sirius Black. 

'Slytherin Quidditch practice is today, but I guess in order to win you have to learn from a better team.'

The blonde didn't say it with malice, her tone playful and lighthearted and she could see that he had a comeback, a quip of sorts to reply with. 'But it seems as if Slytherin is always losing to us.' , 'Because you stole your tricks from our own players.' Narcissa replies quickly, a playful wink and a beaming smile on her features. 'But I do take it that you are up to no good?' Eyebrow raises as she looks over the other three boys with him. 

Peter, the mousy little boy who seemed on edge and ready to jump the second that her cousin demanded. James Potter, hazel eyes, messy dark hair, chaser of the Gryffindor team best friend to Sirius. And then there was Remus Lupin. There was something about him that Narcissa didn't understand, something that had confused her but intrigued her. 

Mostly it was the scars on him, how he had held himself so calm and content but also as if he was doing his best to keep his composure as well. It was something that she could relate to, something that she had understood for she had always wondered when hers would crack.

She could tell that she was staring at all of them a little too much and she had cleared her throat, a small shake of her head with a quick nod after. 'I suppose I'll let you go back to what you were doing. Also -- ' Narcissa leaned in a little closer to the group of guys and they instinctive leaned in towards her. 'Don't do anything too stupid, but that might be difficult for you guys.' She grins at all of them and saunters off.

'I can't believe that is your cousin.' Remus spoke, looking at his friend and then back at the blonde walking away, curiosity seeming to come over him. 'Only on good days.'  Sirius replies with a roll of his eyes. 'Hurry up guys, we only have a little bit of time to get this done.' James had exclaimed, tugging on Remus' robes. 'We can insult his cousin later.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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