pretty please?

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A/N: if you like this story, please check out my other one 

name: Just them


(y/n's POV)

i woke up, regretted it. went back to sleep, wishing i was awake. 

to sum it up, not a great morning. i drunk-called chris! well i didnt. i wasnt drunk, but he was. so chris drunk-answerd-my-normal-sober-call. atleast my intention was the sober part. and the worst part is that i dont even think he rememberd. 

i was worried, should i have him over. to my Apartment. or should i leave him alone to find someone Better?

(Chris's POV)

what. the. hell. i woke up. in a Chair? on my hotelrooms balsony, still in LA, may i add without y/n. ugh, i look down thinking 'its a little breezy outside' 

if your in your boxers!

Damn It!

i dont think ive ever ran so fast inside ever, like i love outdoor life. so this was new. no matter what i kept thinking, y/n always made her way back. 

god, to be in her arms again. even though we didnt know eachother for a long time, i felt i Connection. 'god i sound like im on a tv-show about love' get a hold of yourself chris!

i dont love her right, i just like her alot. i feel as if i talked to her yesterday, but i was drunk so i wouldnt have. 'that is exactly what drunk me would do!' my phone! we talked. we did! oh no. i blew it, well i wouldnt know untill i found my phone.

speaking of. where. is. It!

(y/n POV)

i decided to call chris, to se if he still was on the same page as he was yesterday. i was shaking, sweat litterally dripping out of my pores. 

then he hit decline, i think. or he couldnt get it.

so i sent him a Message instead. 

y/n: yesterday you said you wanted to come visit me and i said i would send you a Message today so (your adresse) is where you should end up.

y/n: but you dont have too because you feel bad for me or something.

that. i sent that. of all things, why that. i know im dramatic, and yes i did Theater but thats just desperate. like come on, its right there. he will se it and you will regret it. and its just too late to delete.

(Chris's POV)

i beamed down at my phone, (y/n's adresse). 
'wow, way too sound like a creep chris?'

i just wished it didnt have to be like this, like its great. i get to se her again, we could be an item. but i just wished that it didnt have to happen like this, like she didnt run away from us two days ago.

Chris: ill take a plane this afternoon. like the first one i can find.

y/n: really are you sure chris?

Chris: yup, cant wait to see you, gotta start gettin ready!

*incoming call from y/n*

-hi. she sighed.-is something wrong, y/n? she sighed again. -no im just really tired, and i i just dont know anymore. what was she talking about? -what do you mean? -why do you want me soo much? 

a lump stuck at my throat, she sounded sarcastic as if she didnt mean it? was she drunk, oh god. i just want tohave her, like who wouldnt? what if she says no?

-Chris? -yeah? -you there? -yup, just thinking about us. i just bought the plane ticket. *a lie* in fact im done packing! *another lie*

-well then i cant wait to see you, call me when you off the plane then. bye.

- i will. see you. just gotta pack then im off. bye!

-wait wha   *end of phone call*


*timeskip to the air port*

i had packed every thing, like every thing. not one thing left in the hotel room, i made sure of that. i needed to go home, get some more clothes. but y/n most likely has a washing machine.

i also needed to go home because Dodger cant stay with ma forever. i mean i could ask Scott if he could watch him, but then again hes in Ohio. doing god knows wha-

"boarding plane 348 from Los Angeles to New York now." (A/N: dont know what these normally sounds like so yea i tried)

hearing that would normally turn bad to worse, but it turned good-better! got onto the plane sat down and relaxed, these were going to be some long hours, without her. sitting on the plane was like living hell, i lied to her. lied. 

to her.

but worse than that i got caught! and i didnt explain myself. well i hung up and after that she didnt answer when i called or sent Messages. feeling my eyelids beginning to get more and more heavy, i decided to take a "powernap".

god i just hope i didnt mess up.

(y/n's POV)

maybe this wasnt the best idea?



this is just a filler-Chapter...

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