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Y/n's Pov

This morning I was the first to wake up. Not that that was anything out of the ordinary. With my parents moving to a later shift, they needed all the sleep they can get.

I did what I usually did in the morning: get up, brush my teeth, wash my face, get dressed, then leave. I didn't usually eat breakfast, as I saw it as a waste of time. Just the act of sitting down and taking the time to actually chew my food made me feel lazy.

When I got to school, I was the first one there, nothing new to me, honestly. I put my bag down and started to make my way up to the roof, as I always did. But then I stopped myself-

I always do the same old boring routine day in and day out. I thought. Maybe I won't go to the roof today.

I started to think about where else I could go since Inarizaki was only so big. It's not like I had the time to go off-campus, so I decided to take a walk around the outside field.

The crisp October air nipped at my ears, making them cold to the point that they were numb. I pulled my hood up to shield them from the cold.

As I walked, I thought I heard a terrible screeching sound-

I'm not about to check what that is, I'm not trying to get killed.

I kept on walking. It wasn't any of my business what may or may have not been going on there.

The hallways slowly started to fill up students. Normally, I wouldn't mind the large crowd of people- it was just that they were loud. Unnecessarily loud. I hate loud people. They always feel the need to make themselves heard over the crowd. Why do you think you're so special?

Lost in thought, I wasn't watching which way I was going and bumped into someone.

Are you kidding me? How the fu-

"Watch it."

"Excuse me?" There was a tall faux-blonde boy standing in front of me. Seeing as his hair was the colour of literal piss, I wasn't about to let this boy push me around.

"I believe you heard me." Before I could say anything back, he pushed past me.

"Asshole." I hissed under my breath.


I got up from my table after I was done eating my lunch, I wanted to make a quick stop to the bathroom before class started.

As I was making my way down the hall, I saw the same blonde boy as before, but this time he was with two other people: a boy who looked almost identical to him and-

Holy shit.

Standing right next to the two had to be the finest man I have ever seen. His deep, combed-down brown hair and narrow yellow eyes were enticing, I couldn't help but stare. He wore a bored expression on his face while he listened to the other two bickering.

"Dammit, he's hot."

Shit. Did I say that out loud? I'm guessing that I did since all three boys suddenly turned in my direction. Suddenly, I didn't need to use the washroom anymore- I could have peed myself right there from fear.

I quickly turned away, luckily not bumping into anything to increase my embarrassment.

It's fine. There were three of them. They wouldn't know who I was talking about. Plus, I've never seen them around, so they shouldn't recognize my face. Well, except maybe piss hair.

As I was walking back to my class, images of the lazy-eyed boy filled my brain. Even though I only saw him for a few seconds, I couldn't get him out of my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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