Bonus: I practically survived on coffee and M&Ms

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"Let me think." Nate said while raking his hand through his sand colored hair. We'd been thinking about a way to prank Jill but weren't doing too great.

"Blasting classical music in her car must've been the worst idea we've ever had." I complained. When Jill had picked me up when my car broke down, I'd texted Nate and he told me about that prank. It had backfired.

"You could just ask your brother." Nate told me for the tenth time this week.

"I think he's team Jill." I answered. Code knew all about Jill's pranks and he was enjoying this immensely. I didn't think my brother would help me get her back. Jill would probably notice something was up and she'd find a way to get my brother to talk. I was starting to think she might be an evil genius.

"So am I but I'm still helping you." Nate teased and I kicked his leg as a reply.

"You could always declare your undying love for her and tell her it's a prank if she freaks out." He told me after a few moments of silence.

"I should've never told you." I groaned. About a week ago, Nate and I went to a few dorm parties and we came across Jill and her friends. A few hours later they were all extremely wasted so we brought them back to Nate's dorm. There was no way they were able to get back home without any accidents.

While I was helping Jill up the stairs she was starting to fall asleep and she told me I smelled nice. She obviously didn't know what she was saying but I got flustered either way. I wasn't used to girls talking to me like that whether they're drunk or not. Nate witnessed the little encounter and I couldn't help but confess that I had been developing feelings for Jill. Nate told me it had been written all over my face so I didn't even have to tell him. I just hoped Jill hadn't noticed. I knew she'd never go for a guy like me so I was happy to just be friends with her.

"I'm just teasing you, man." Nate said and stifled a yawn.

"Let's get some coffee." I told him. We both had an exam coming up in the near future and when I was studying I practically survived on coffee and M&Ms.

"Sure." Nate replied. While we were outside Nate's dorm and heading towards my car, my head was still going in overdrive. I had way too little experience with pranks but I'd promised I'd get her back so I felt some pressure to at least pull a decent prank.

"Maybe we could prank her with coffee?" Nate suggested. He was a smart and funny guy but he sucked just as much as me in the prank department. At least Jill had friends on her side with a lot of experience in the field. Even though she was probably operating alone.

I realised I was taking this prank war a little too seriously since I was referring to it as a mission. It was probably just my brain's way to justify thinking about her.

"A prank with coffee? I need new friends." I sighed. "It's not like we can poor a bucket of coffee on her head."

Just as I was about to enter the coffeeshop, Nate's arm blocked the way. I looked up at him curiously only to see he was gaping at me with his mouth wide open and an excited glint in his eyes.

"This isn't an automatic door, you can't use the 'force' here." I deadpanned. It wouldn't be the first time. I had to admit that I wasn't entirely innocent in the matter either.

"Not that! Coffee!" He exclaimed.

"What has gotten into you? Did all the stress get to your brain?" I teased.

"Shut up and listen!" Nate said.

I sighed when he didn't continue talking right away. I was in dire need of some coffee and he was stalling.

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